Personal timetables

Teaching Timetable

The University produces a personal timetable for each student allocating them to specific lectures and seminars. It is important that you follow your personalised timetable. 

You should be able to see your timetables three working days following re-enrolment, or three days after pre-enrolment if you are a new student.

Log in using your London Met username and password to see your personal course timetable.  

Please note that it may not work with Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge browsers. 

Your School Welcome Week Events

These essential Welcome Week events are tailored by your School to ensure that you are well prepared to start your academic journey.

Attendance is mandatory, and you are required to register and attend all events related to your specific course and subject area.

The School Welcome Week events will not show in your personal timetable, so you must access the schedule via the link below.

Register for your School Welcome Week events

Personal timetable FAQ

There are two ways for a student to use the system.

Personal Timetables: Providing that you have registered modules and have enrolled (or preregistered if you are a new student) you will be able to see your personal timetable by entering your network login and usual password at the login prompt and then clicking 'Personal'. Your username and password is the one you use to access the University network, your University email, and the Evision system. It consists of three letters and three numbers and is printed on your University ID Card. Your password will have been advised to you previously. Once logged in, you should click on the 'My Timetable' button.

Module Timeslots: If you want to look at the timeslots of modules for which you are not registered you do this by simply going to Module Catalogue. You do not need to enter your username and password.

If you don't know your password or are having difficulties logging on to the University network you should contact your local IT Helpdesk who will be able to assist you.

If you can't see your registered modules on the screen, you should contact your School Office as soon as possible.

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