Learning and teaching at London Met: delivering fair outcomes

In November 2019 London Met launched a new five-year strategy reaffirming our commitment to advancing social justice and social mobility. We are an institution with a deep social purpose, and we are proud of the diversity of our students and of the positive contribution we make to London. 

Our Learning and Teaching strategies are centred on an ethos of delivering fair outcomes for all students and ensuring they have rich opportunities to develop the skills that will see them succeed in their chosen graduate pathway. Our flagship strategy to deliver the ambitions set out in the Vice-Chancellor’s corporate plan is the Education for Social Justice Framework. Designed and developed by students, staff and the Students’ Union, it is a reimagining of education as a vehicle for social change and the means through which we can accelerate the achievement of our obligations under the Access and Participation Plan. As an institution we are committed to eradicating disparities in student outcomes as well as inviting our students to be a part of positive change, supporting our local communities to tackle complex societal challenges through our London Met Labs and Empowering London module. 

Alongside the Education for Social Justice Framework, the Transitions and Careers Education Frameworks provide a holistic and interconnected approach to improving success and progression indicators in the student lifecycle. These are areas of additional institutional focus under the auspices of the Access and Participation Plan.

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