This compendium of inclusive practice was developed as a resource and represents an output of our Education for Social Justice Framework (ESJF). To complement and support the framework, a comprehensive staff development programme was introduced covering
- Inclusive Behaviours training sessions for staff
- Education for Social Justice Pedagogy workshops/development sessions
- The use of student engagement/outcomes data analytics via PowerBI dashboards
Additionally, a Student Curriculum Partners Programme has been created to enhance the voice of our diverse student cohort in the creation and delivery of our academic offer. Since its roll out, the ESJF has sparked widespread interest in new ways of teaching, assessment and engaging with students.
The compendium further ties in to and is strongly associated with objectives from our overarching institutional strategies:
- Race Equity Strategic Plan
- Student Success Strategy
- People Strategy
- Estate Strategy
- Digital First Strategy
- Access and Participation Plan
We hope the compendium will support not only our internal academic community at London Met but also benefit stakeholders from the wider Higher Education sector. We would welcome feedback and contributions via
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