Our civic and community initiative, London Met Lab: Empowering London

London Met Lab: Empowering London

London is the greatest city in the world, but while Londoners enjoy some of the highest standards of living anywhere in the world for many others in the capital it is a different story. Through our civic network, we are on a mission to tackle the inequalities facing London, to improve people’s lives and to deliver social justice. Led by Sophie Cloutterbuck, Director of London Engagement, alongside our staff, students and partners, we are bringing our academic expertise to co-design solutions to the social challenges which disproportionately affect the communities that we serve. And we want to work with you. Please read about our commitment and case studies in our Civic University Statement and see how our work links to the University's strategy

Our Challenge Champions are on hand to undertake research projects, provide practical support and share their expertise so that together, we can find new and innovative ways to respond to the needs of the city in six crucial areas. For student engagement with the local community, we run level 5 and 6 “Empowering London: Working within the Community” student work placement modules. We also have five low-cost and pro bono clinics which cater to the local community. Our applied research centre, the Centre for Applied Research in Empowering Society (CARES), uses empowering models of engagement to challenge inequalities. 

We work with over 600 partner organisations, including local authorities, NHS Trusts, sports clubs, third sector organisations, higher education institutions and businesses. Reach out to discuss partnering with us to tackle the challenges facing our city and subscribe to our newsletter by emailing empoweringlondon@londonmet.ac.uk. Please include the name of your organisation, explain the challenges you face and any thoughts you have about how we can work together.

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"The London Met Lab really sets a new high standard for the Civic contribution that higher education providers can make across key areas of the capital...embedding and integrating its civic activity as a core part of the student experience through their empowering London module. I'm particularly interested to see how this approach of getting students to work with London's community organisations on key challenges that their community is facing develops in the future."

Jules Pipe CBE, Deputy Mayor of Planning, Regeneration, and Skills


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