Student accommodation

Safe, comfortable and truly affordable student accommodation 

Providing safe, comfortable and truly affordable accommodation within an easily commutable distance will be an important part of our offer. Our priority will be to minimise our students’ living costs whilst affording the best in pastoral care.

The demand for student bedrooms is expected to rise to 1,100 by 2026 against our current supply of 102 nominated bedrooms. The University does not currently own or operate any student bedrooms of its own. We will ensure that there are sufficient affordable, supported bedrooms to maintain our planned growth in international student numbers. Our intention will not be to create an income stream or profit from our student bedrooms but instead to focus on the wellbeing and welfare of our students in halls.

We will develop a masterplan that will consider developing our own student housing on campus over the life of this strategy. In the interim, we
will meet this demand via strategically procured nominations agreements with reputable providers that meet our students’ needs.

student accommodation tile

International students including those from study abroad schemes are a key proportion of our learning community. They are increasing in numbers and that is forecast to continue over the next 10 years.