Students can complete administration tasks quickly and easily from anywhere.
With over 90% of our students coming from an under-represented or disadvantaged background we know that many have complex lives and our ambition is three-fold. Firstly to reduce the time spent on administrative tasks; secondly to ensure our policies, processes and practices are aligned to our student needs and thirdly to streamline our staff administration time so they can innovate and focus more on consolidating relationships with students.
At London Met this means:
- All course are aligned to the Curriculum Architecture Requirements which provides students with consistency and transparency on their learning and delivery.
- A refreshed Academic Calendar which mirrors the multiple entry points, courses and levels to smoothly deliver the tasks associated with the academic lifecycle.
- Timetables which enables students to fully engage in their studies whilst juggling complex lives.

Our goal: To strengthen the infrastructure that helps all our students to succeed.
Source: University Strategy.
Explore the strategy