Our ambition is that for students London Met is the start of a journey that will expand their horizons, develop new skills and, hopefully, embark on their desired career. It is a period of self-learning, where students can equip themselves with soft skills that will enable them to thrive throughout life – professionally and personally.
At London Met this means:
- A Graduate Success Plan which uses 4 pillars to embed employability and create sustained change : Staff & Curriculum, Students, Employers & Alumni, Communications.
- The introduction of the Guided Learning Hours programme provides students with extra and co-curricular activities to nourish their education, gain confidence and increase their employment capital.
- A range of rich national and international work opportunities enables all our students to gain meaningful employer experiences.
- The creation of a differentiated employer package is used to promote and reflect employer engagement in the curriculum and to gain placement/ graduate employment opportunities for our diverse student groups.

Our vision: Our graduates will go out into the world of work as confident, values-driven and successful individuals, making a positive contribution to society and offering a constant flow of talent to support the global economy. Source: University Strategy
Explore the strategy