London Metropolitan University is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. At London Met, safeguarding is everybody's concern.
What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding is about protecting a person's right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It's about working together to prevent and stop both the risk and experience of abuse or neglect.
Safeguarding at London Metropolitan University includes children, vulnerable adults, radicalisation, violence against women, harassment and hate crime.
For further information please see this short video on safeguarding.
How does safeguarding affect me?
Safeguarding affects all individuals in society and we all have a role to play in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
Abuse can happen anywhere, in any situation. It can come in many forms, sometimes visible, many times not, it can be very good at disguising itself. It does not just occur in underprivileged situations and it does not discriminate.
Staff and students alike have a duty to be alert to the possible signs of abuse and then act on those concerns.
The Safeguarding Policy v1.4 applies to all university staff, applicants, students, volunteers, anyone representing the University and visitors to the University. The policy applies to face-to-face activities and activities delivered online.
What are the types of abuse and how do I spot the signs?
Abuse and neglect come in the following forms:
- Physical abuse
- Domestic violence or abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Neglect or acts of omission
- Modern slavery
- Psychological or emotional abuse
- Financial or material abuse
- Organisational or institutional abuse
- Self-neglect
- Discriminatory abuse
The signs may include changes in behaviour, absence from class or social groups, physical marks or bruising, lack of personal care.
For further information on the types of abuse and spotting the signs please see this document prepared by The Social Care Institute for Excellence:
Safeguarding types and indicators of abuse
What should I do if I have a concern?
Safeguarding is everybody's concern. If you have a concern about a member of our University community you must report this using the Safeguarding Concern Reporting Form. Even if you are not sure if the concern constitutes safeguarding, please report it.
Raise all concerns, no matter how small you think it might be, no concern is too small to share.
It is your responsibility to report. The Lead Safeguarding Officer (LeSO) will determine what action(s) will be taken.
Concerns should normally be reported in the first instance to the Local Safeguarding Officer (LoSO) or the deputy LoSO in the School/Professional Services Department (PSD), who will liaise with the relevant Lead Safeguarding Officer and provide you with support and advice and guidance. The individual raising the concern should also ensure that they complete the reporting form.
If there is an immediate risk to life, violence or other emergency situation, you must contact 999 and raise this immediately with a LoSO or the LeSO followed by completing the reporting form.
Follow the four steps for safeguarding
- Acknowledge information about allegations of concerns of abuse.
- Take the person seriously.
- Stay calm, offer support and reassurance to the person making the disclosure.
- Do not make promises regarding confidentiality or offer to 'keep a secret'.
- Explain what you will do.
- If there is an immediate concern of risk to life, of violence or other emergency situation, staff or students must contact the emergency services by calling 999 and/or security.
- The action must then be followed up by reporting to a member of staff (students) or to the LoSO (staff) and completing the 'report a concern' form.
- As soon as possible, make a record of what has been said, heard and/or seen.
- Note down any times, dates and parties involved.
- Do not investigate the situation.
- Ensure that you only record fact and not opinion or speculation.
- As a student, tell a member of staff and also log the concern via the 'report a concern' button.
- As a member of staff, log the concern via the 'report a concern' button and inform your LoSO.
- Ensure that you refer the concern promptly.
What about safeguarding during Covid?
As we continue to live and work during the Covid-19 pandemic, safeguarding is even more important.
Many within our University community are more vulnerable and at risk. Reports have shown an increase in domestic abuse, fraudsters preying on vulnerable individuals and mental health declining due to long periods in social isolation.
We all need to be vigilant to the signs of abuse during this time. For further information on safeguarding during Covid-19, please see this document prepared by The Social Care Institute for Excellence:
Safeguarding adults during Covid
What is a Lead Safeguarding Officer (LeSO)?
The Lead Safeguarding Officer has overarching responsibilities regarding safeguarding at London Metropolitan University.
The University has two lead safeguarding officers who deal with specific areas:
- Concerns relating to children and vulnerable adults: Lara Bulut, Head of Student Services -
- Concerns relating to radicalisation, violence against women, harassment and hate crime: Saira Kamaly, Safeguarding Manager -
Either Lead Safeguarding Officer may be contacted if the other is absent.
What is a Local Safeguarding Officer (LoSO)?
Within each School and PSD, there will be a LoSO and also a deputy LoSO who will act as the first point of contact for any safeguarding matters, providing timely, relevant support and advice in order to safeguard the student or staff member concerned. Please note that staff can approach their immediate LoSo or deputy, but in the event of no contact can reach out to another LoSO or deputy from the list on this webpage.
Training will be provided to staff with designated responsibility for safeguarding and will be co-ordinated by the lead safeguarding officers. The following resource is available to all staff:
- All staff must undertake the safeguarding essentials course as part of their induction.
- Awareness training for professionals: understand and recognise signs of radicalisation - Islington prevent training.
Report a Concern
Report a concern, no matter how small you think it might be. No concern is too small to share.
Local Safeguarding Officers (LoSOs)
Schools - student concerns
Within our Schools any safeguarding concerns about students should be reported to LoSOs:
- School of Computing and Digital Media
Chris Lane
- School of Social Sciences and Professions
Brian Tutt
- Guildhall School of Business and Law
Sean Flynn
- School of Art, Architecture and Design
Anne Markey
- School of Human Sciences
Prof. Elizabeth Opara - School of Built Environment
Sean Flynn
Schools – staff concerns
If you have any safeguarding concerns about a member of staff, please contact the relevant Head of Subject.
Professional Service Departments (PSDs)
Within our PSDs, any safeguarding concerns about students should be reported to LoSOs:
- Student Casework Officers
First instance: Amy Brazier
Second instance: Emma Price
- Academic Quality and Student Administration
First instance: Charles Snelgrove
Second instance: Maria Adu
- Careers
First instance: Neelam Thapar
Second instance: Shauna Arnold - Centre for Equity and Inclusion
First instance: Wilco Luebsen
Second instance TBC - Centre for Teaching Enhancement (CTE)
First instance: Janet Gordon
Second instance: John Desire - Estates
First instance: Elizabeth McGowan
Second instance: Ada Okechukwu - Finance
First instance: Renata Robinson
Second instance: Richard Bond - Human Resources
First instance: Robert Fisher
Second instance: Tracey Gormley - Information and Technology Services
First instance: Barry Flourentzou
Second instance: TBC
International Support and Compliance
First instance: Natalia Mulley
Second instance: Agnieszka Kosik - Library
First instance: Laura Simmons
Second instance: Naomi Elliott - Research and Postgraduate Office
First instance: Maeva Khachfe
Second instance: Anna Kamyk - Student Recruitment and Business Development
First instance: Elizabeth Routhorn
Second instance: Renzo Veschini
- Student Services
First instance: Paul Guyver
Second instance: Robert Everett
Third instance: TBC - Students' Union
First instance: Bethan Dudaš
Second instance: TBC - Vice-Chancellor's Office (including University Secretary's Office)
First instance: Priscilla Da Cruz Silva