Step Into Uni - Year 6 Uni Taster Programme

The ‘Step Into Uni’ Year 6 Taster Day Programme is designed to provide Year 6 students with a brief introduction into university, degree courses and the careers to which they lead. This will include University Students visiting their school and a visit to a London Metropolitan University Campus.  

Starting careers education early is vital in helping children to understand who they could become and helping them to develop a healthy sense of self that will enable them to reach their full potential. Participating in the programme can support children in your school in this capacity and help seed a wider careers scheme at your school.   

Outline of Programme

Your Year 6 students will receive a taste of Higher Education and specific degree courses. This will be delivered in two parts over two separate days.  

Part 1: 

A member of the London Metropolitan University Widening Participation team along with a selection of Student Ambassadors will attend your school for a Subject Carousel Activity.  

This activity will consist of the Student Ambassadors providing short (about 15 minute) interactive tasters of their degree course.Following this activity, we will leave the students with a challenge which they will need complete before the second part of the programme. They will be given a few questions which they will need to research based on one of the subjects represented in the carousel. They will then have to create short 5 min group presentations which they will deliver on the second part of the programme, when on the Campus Visit.

Part 2:  

The class will attend London Metropolitan University at an arranged day, when they will have a Taster Day with us. This Taster Day will include a range of activities which will further introduce the students to the idea of university and give them transferable skills which will be beneficial not only in their potential futures at university, but also for secondary school.  

What we need from you: 

List of all attending teachers and students 
A completed Data Monitoring Form for each attending student

Step Into Uni class session

To request a booking on this programme, please complete the following form: 

Step Into Uni Programme

For further information please email:

Or call: +44 (0)20 7133 4192

Step Into Uni - Year 6 Uni Taster Programme

The ‘Step Into Uni’ - Year 6 Taster Day Programme is designed to provide Year 6 students with a brief introduction into university, degree courses and the careers to which they lead. This will include University Students visiting their school and a visit to a London Metropolitan University Campus.

Starting careers education early is vital in helping children to understand who they could become and helping them to develop a healthy sense of self that will enable them to reach their full potential. Participating in the programme can support children in your school in this capacity and help seed a wider careers scheme at your school. 

Outline of Programme

Your Year 6 students will receive a taste of Higher Education and specific degree courses. This will be delivered in two parts over two separate days.

Part 1:

A member of the London Metropolitan University Widening Participation team along with a selection of Student Ambassadors will attend your school for a Subject Carousel Activity.

This activity will consist of the Student Ambassadors providing short (about 15 minute) interactive tasters of their degree course. Following this activity, we will leave the students with a challenge which they will need complete before the second part of the programme. They will be given a few questions which they will need to research based on one of the subjects represented in the carousel. With this informaiton they will have to create a short 5min group presentation to be delivered on the second part, when they attend the campus visit.

Part 2:

The class will attend London Metropolitan University at an arranged day, when they will have a Taster Day with us. This Taster Day will include a range of activities which will further introduce the students to the idea of university and give them transferable skills which will be beneficial not only in their potential futures at university, but also for secondary school.

What we need from you:

List of all attending teachers and students
A completed Data Monitoring Form for each attending student

For further information please email:

Or call on 020 7133 4192