Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Goal 5 aims to achieve gender equality by ending discrimination and violence against women and girls and ensuring full participation and equal opportunities for women in leadership at all levels of political and economic decision-making.
London Met champions gender equality through inclusive policies, support networks, and initiatives across campus.
Actions and Initiatives
- Parental leave policy: our policy provides a full year of paid leave for parents, supporting gender equality and work-life balance. Learn about our parental leave policy.
- Equality and diversity policy: this policy guides our commitment to fair hiring, development, and support for all. Read the Equality and Diversity Policy.
- Women’s network and LGBTQ+ network: these staff networks promote inclusivity and support professional growth for gender and sexual minorities. Learn more about the Women’s Network.
- Gender Pay Gap Action Plan: our Equality and Diversity Policy includes detailed measures to address gender pay disparities and support equity. Explore our equality policy and gender pay gap reporting.