The University is responsible for providing a safe environment for those who study and work here under the Health and Safety at Work Act, and it makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the welfare of others is not jeopardized by the misuse of alcohol or illegal substances. The consequences of misusing drugs and alcohol are many and include, but are not limited to: temporary and permanent impaired judgment and ability, absenteeism, reduced productivity and serious damage to physical and mental health.
The legal drinking age in the UK is 18 years of age. Misusing alcohol, especially in public, can be a criminal offence, as is driving under the influence of alcohol, and can lead to arrest and prosecution. Attending any university teaching or course activity while under the influence of alcohol is not permitted and can lead directly to disciplinary or other institutional action. Alcohol can put your physical and mental health at risk, it can impair your judgment, and may lead to depression, and dependency. Further information on the risks associated with alcohol is available from the National Health Service (NHS).
Drug misuse
The University prohibits the possession, use and distribution of any controlled or illegal drug by any member of the University, whether they are on or off campus. Any student or member of staff found to be in the possession of drugs or using or distributing illegal and controlled substances may be immediately suspended and will be subject to an investigation which could lead to disciplinary action and penalties up to and including expulsion from the University. Information on the risks associated with drugs is available from the National Health Service.
The possession, use, and distribution of controlled or illegal drugs may also be a criminal offence that can lead to arrest and prosecution. Further details about the UK Misuse of Drugs Act and penalties/legal sanctions that are applicable to those who contravene the Misuse of Drugs Act are available from the Home Office (UK Government) website on drugs and the law.
Your responsibilities
- As a student you must ensure that your behaviour and work or study performance is appropriate while you are engaged in university activity and that you are not under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
- You should be aware that the reduction of alertness or impaired judgment associated with alcohol or drug consumption can compromise the health and safety of the person involved or others.
- You must not bring illegal substances onto university premises under any circumstances.
- You should notify student services and your module leader/course tutor if you are taking prescribed medication that could affect the ability to work or study safely.
- If you believe that that you have an alcohol or drug related problem, you should seek help as soon as possible to avoid the problem becoming worse.
Counselling and support: London Metropolitan is committed to promoting the health and wellbeing of its students and staff and will ensure that any student or staff member with alcohol or substance dependency problems has the opportunity to be directed to support for a range of matters including Alcohol and Drugs misuse.
Student Services
166-220 Holloway Road
London N7 8DB
Tel: 020 7133 4300
Website: London Metropolitan University Counselling and Wellbeing Services
Other sources of help and support
Alcoholics Anonymous – Tel: 020 7352 3001
Al-Anon – Tel: 020 7303 0888
Alcohol Concern – Tel: 020 7928 7377
Drug misuse and dependency
Frank – Tel: 0800 776600 / Text: 82111
Narcotics Anonymous – Tel: 0845 373 3366
Families Anonymous – Tel: 0845 1200 660
Drug Scope – Tel: 020 7928 1211
Release – Tel:020 7729 9904, Advice Line 10am - 6pm / 020 7602 8654, Overnight Emergency Helpline