While in receipt of direct loan funds for the loan period outlined on your loan application, you are required to be enrolled in your programme, as well as maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP). SAP means that you must maintain an indicated passing grade average in each semester.
Undergraduate students
Satisfactory Academic Progress - UG – If you do not pass a minimum of three modules with a minimum passing grade of D in your first semester (of any year), you will be placed on financial aid probation and will be informed of this in writing. You will still be eligible to receive your second loan disbursement. However, if you fail to pass six first year modules (90 credits) you will not be eligible for financial aid in your second year. Please see the undergraduate satisfactory academic progress policy document above for further details.
Postgraduate students
Satisfactory Academic Progress - PG – If you do not pass a minimum of three modules with a minimum grade of 50%, you will be placed on a financial aid warning and will be informed of this in writing. Although this means that you will be eligible for your second disbursement, in order to regain your eligibility for your third and final disbursement, you must have passed at least three modules from your first and second semester with a minimum passing grade of 50%. Please see the postgraduate satisfactory academic progress policy document above for further details.
Our contract is with you, the student. We cannot discuss your academic or financial aid situation with a third party without your written permission. We expect and anticipate that all communication is with you personally and is of a respectful and courteous nature.
Additionally, you are required to attend all classes, contribute as required and meet all the performance standards expected of your course. These progression indicators are monitored continually and taken into account when assessing your satisfactory academic progress.
Leave of Absence
Leave of Absence Policy
- A leave of absence (LOA) is a temporary interruption in a student’s program of study. The leave of absence cannot exceed 180 days in any 12 months. Any student considering requesting a LOA that received financial aid, should consult with the Financial Aid Administrator to determine how their financial aid will be affected. You will also need to inform the University’s visa compliance office. You can contact the Financial Aid Administrator at usfinancialaid@londonmet.