Everyday emails and signatures

Staff should use their allocated corporate email address, which is associated with the londonmet.ac.uk domain.

To ensure a clean, professional and consistent look across all areas of the University it is important that we have a standardised email signature.

Your email signature should be free from images, icons or logos and include only necessary hyperlinks.


  • Choose Sans Serif from the list of Google fonts (Arial if you are using another service such as Outlook to manage your mail)
  • Select Normal for the font size (point size 10 if you are using another service)
  • Left align the text
  • Include only essential hyperlinks
  • Embed hyperlinks rather than pasting in full URLs
  • Use the bar (|) character to separate the different elements of your signature


  • Coloured text (use black text, except for hyperlinks, which will appear blue automatically)
  • Italic, underlined, or highlighted text
  • Sections of text or words all in uppercase
  • Images (including logos and icons)
Recommended email signature
Email signature recommended

Shared inbox dept signature

The longest, most complicated signature

Email signature by line

Some staff have formatting issues or finding the break (|) character on their keyboard when trying to set up their email signature. You may find it easiest to download this plain text document (link available to staff only) containing the email signature text and use this to paste into Google Mail.

Line 1: Your title (optional) followed by your full name (essential) and qualifications (optional). In bold text. 
Line 2: Your job title | Your team (optional – please remain consistent with your immediate colleagues) | Your school or department name. For generic email inboxes, only including team, school or department names where it will not cause unnecessary duplication.
Line 3: Empty line.
Line 4: London Metropolitan University 
(hyperlink: http://www.londonmet.ac.uk?utm_source=Staff+Email+Signature&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Generic)
| ‘Room’ followed by your room number | The address of the building in which you are normally based with a vertical bar (|) to indicate each line break (please note there is no vertical bar between the city and the postcode).
Line 5: Empty line.
Line 6: ‘T:’ followed by your full phone number in the format specified. Additionally, you may include a work mobile and / or fax number if you use these for your work with the University. Each phone number should be separated by a vertical line.
Line 7: Empty line (optional, your signature can end here).
Line 8: Optional: Up to three social media links separated by vertical lines with links embedded into the channel title as per the example.
Line 9: Empty line (optional, your signature can end here).
Lines 10-12: Optional: Up to two full sentences. The first may contain one link to department or school specific information, or to a forthcoming event. For example: "Attend our next event for London Met alumni." The second may contain further information recipients of your email may need. For example: ‘Please note, I only work for the University between 9am and 1pm Monday to Friday.’ Or: ‘If you have an admissions enquiry you can contact our course enquiries team on +44 (0)20 7133 4200 or by email: admissions@londonmet.ac.uk’

Please note, the following standard wording automatically appears after all staff email signatures. It contains information that is required by law. You do not need to add it yourself:

London Metropolitan University is a limited company registered in England and Wales with registered number 974438 and VAT registered number GB 447 2190 51. Our registered office is at 166-220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DB. London Metropolitan University is an exempt charity under the Charities Act 2011. Its registration number with HMRC is X6880.

Automatic replies

If you are out of the office on University business, add a personal touch when you can:

Thank you for your email. I am currently away from the office at the Universities UK annual conference in Glasgow. I will not have access to my emails until I return on Monday 16 March 2016. If your enquiry is urgent please contact my colleagues in the office on +44 (0)20 7133 5000.

Make sure you include:

  • when you are going to be back
  • whether you will be checking emails intermittently
  • who should be contacted if the matter is urgent