We would recommend using a pseudonym and an email that is accessible by a wider team of dedicated users when setting up an account.
Once this is complete you can set up a Facebook page or set up a Facebook group. We would then advise you to add other accounts as administrators of the group or page as backups.
Not sure which one to choose? Learn more about the difference between a Facebook page and group.
When naming your Facebook page or group you will need to consider our editorial style guide. We would recommend the page name is in the following format:
London Met [insert course, subject area, department etc]
Keeping this format helps us to achieve uniformity across all University-affiliated accounts.
When branding your account please refer to Facebook's image size guidelines as well as the information on profile and cover images below. You will also need to follow the University's brand guidelines.
You can request verification on Facebook to show that your page is authentic. However, please be aware that requesting it does not guarantee verification.
You’ll need a shared email and a username/handle to create your Instagram account.
When deciding on your username/handle you will need to consider our editorial style guide. We would recommend the username/handle is in the following format:
@LondonMet [insert course, subject area, department and so on]
There is a character limit of 30, which may mean that abbreviations are necessary. Keeping this format helps us to achieve uniformity across all University-affiliated accounts.
Once you've set up your instagram account we would recommend switching to a professional account. There are many new features that you’ll have access to once you switch to a professional account such as being able to see your account analytics.
You can request that your Instagram account is verified. This allows people to see your authenticity as a business/page. However, be aware that requesting it does not guarantee verification.
You’ll need a shared email and a username/handle to create your Twitter account.
When deciding on your username/handle and Twitter name you will need to consider our editorial style guide.
We would recommend the username/handle is in the following format:
@LondonMet [insert course, subject area, department and so on]
There is a character limit of 15, which may mean that abbreviations are necessary.
We would recommend your Twitter name is in the following format:
London Met [insert course, subject area, department and so on]
Keeping this format helps us to achieve uniformity across all University-affiliated accounts.
When branding your account please refer to Twitter's branding guidelines as well as the information on profile and cover images below. You will also need to follow the University's brand guidelines.
Twitter is not currently allowing applications for account verification.
You’ll need a shared email to create your YouTube channel.
When naming your YouTube channel you will need to consider our editorial style guide. We would recommend the channel name is in the following format:
London Met [insert course, subject area, department and so on]
Keeping this format helps us to achieve uniformity across all University-affiliated accounts.
When branding your channel please refer to the YouTube branding guidleines as well as the information below on profile and cover images. You will also need to follow the University's brand guidelines.
We would recommend using a pseudonym and an email that is accessible by a wider team of dedicated users when setting up an account.
Once you have set up an account, you will be able to create a LinkedIn page.
When naming your LinkedIn page you will need to consider our editorial style guide. We would recommend the page name is in the following format:
London Met [insert course, subject area, department and so on]
Keeping this format helps us to achieve uniformity across all University-affiliated accounts.
When branding your channel please refer to LinkedIn's image size guidelines as well as the information below on profile and cover images. You will also need to follow the University's brand guidelines.
Profile image
Your profile image for all channels should be the London Met cosmos graphic in black on a white background (staff members can download the social media icon here). The University's main accounts (that bear the name London Metropolitan University only) use a reverse image (white cosmos on a black background).
There are some exceptions to this rule during certain time periods. One example is LGBTQIA+ History Month where during this time we change the background to the LGBTQIA+ flag to show support. If you have an event or would like to celebrate or support something through your profile picture then please contact social@londonmet.ac.uk in the first instance.
Cover image
Cover images should use a photograph (see our photographic style) – these should include little or no text. Please bear in mind what they will look like on a desktop screen size and on mobile devices and remember to take into account where the platform may have icons that overlay the cover image. You will also need to follow the University's brand guidelines.
From time to time accounts may use your cover image to post tactical campaign material, eg information about a forthcoming event or initiative. You can change your cover image as often or as infrequently as you like.
Not sure? Get in touch
If you need any help with any of the above, please feel free to email social@londonmet.ac.uk.