Clearing 2024 is now closed

Clearing is now closed and we're no longer accepting applications for courses starting in September 2024. Still looking to start a degree this academic year? Some of our courses are available to start in January. Browse our January courses now

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Meet our real London community

Like the wider London community, our students, staff and graduates come from all kinds of backgrounds – some from around the corner, others from around the globe. Each and every one of them belongs here and uniquely contributes to our community and the city around them. They are The Real London. This is The Real London. Our Real London stories are brought to life by a London Met graduate who was inspired by the extraordinary people who make up the University community here. We hope you enjoy getting to know them as much as we did!

Read about our students' experiences of applying through Clearing


Helpful advice to guide you through the Clearing process


Student blogs
