A new campaign from London Met, where every Tuesday and Thursday we will be sharing the changes the University has put in place for you, as suggested by you.
London Metropolitan University is always listening to its students and their suggestions and is always open to new ideas and constructive feedback. In order to show that the University wants exactly the same things as students do, London Met is launching a Snap! campaign to show all the different improvements made in the last year. Every Tuesday and Thursday we will be sharing the changes done for you, as suggested by you.
Feedback and support
You said you want your coursework feedback earlier.
Snap! London Met decided that feedback on your first piece of coursework will be provided within one week of the submission deadline. Snap! Feedback on subsequent coursework will be given within two weeks of the submission deadline.
You said you need support to realise your study ambitions.
Snap! London Met introduced the Peer Assisted Student Success Scheme (PASS) just for you. It's designed to help first-year students boost their academic success and feel more integrated into their courses and the University’s community. It also gives the second and third-year student the opportunity to participate as Success Coaches.
You said you need academic guidance and support.
Snap! London Met is offering you Personal Academic Tutors (PATs), who are here for you. Your PAT will take responsibility for your progress and is the person with whom you should discuss any academic concerns that you might have.