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Why study this course?
The Dietetics and Nutrition MSc is an intensive course suitable for graduates with a scientific background wishing to pursue a career as a dietitian.
Our nutrition and food science courses are impressively ranked third in the UK according to the Guardian University Guide. They are also ranked third for teaching quality and seventh for course satisfaction.
Take your career prospects to the next level
This is an intensive course suitable for graduates with a scientific background wishing to pursue a career as a dietitian
Ranked third in the UK
Our nutrition and food science courses are impressively ranked third in the UK according to the Guardian University Guide
Third in the UK for teaching quality
Our nutrition and food science courses are ranked third for teaching quality and seventh for course satisfaction according to the Guardian University Guide
Course modules
The modules listed below are for the academic year 2024/25 and represent the course modules at this time. Modules and module details (including, but not limited to, location and time) are subject to change over time.
Year modules
Assessment of Nutritional Status
This module currently runs:autumn semester - Friday morning
(core, 20 credits)
This module provides students with an understanding of the methods available for assessing nutritional status of individuals, groups and populations. It aims to enhance student’s critical evaluation of the assessment of nutritional status at a population level using available published data. The module examines the derivation of nutrient reference values, their strengths and limitations. UK’s nutritional surveillance systems are analysed and evaluated. This will be approached within a context of applying statistical analysis to investigate the dietary and nutrient patterns of the UK population and subgroups. The methods applied to gather surveillance data will be critically scrutinised.
Read full detailsHuman Nutrition Dissertation
This module currently runs:autumn semester
spring semester
summer studies
(core, 60 credits)
Human Nutrition Dissertation
Pre-requisites: Normally NF7015
The aims of this module are to allow the learner to undertake a detailed piece of original research either by the empirical collection of data or an original secondary analysis of existing data.
To build upon experience at undergraduate level and understanding of the research methodologies relevant to human nutrition and to demonstrate application of knowledge and skills developed through the Advanced Nutrition Research Techniques module. This module also aims to provide an opportunity for critical reflection of the research topic and self-reflection of learning, studying and research skills and knowledge.
This module is designed for learners to undertake a substantial piece of research in the nutrition subject field. The research project is intended to build upon the taught modules of the award and is underpinned by the (NF7015) Advanced Nutrition Research Techniques module. The dissertation is designed to demonstrate synthesis of knowledge and skills developed throughout the award. As the largest piece of assessed work undertaken on the award, the dissertation will carry great significance with the assessment board as it will be seen as the clearest expression of the learners’ ability at postgraduate level.
Assessment: Will comprise of project proposal (750 words), Dissertation (8000 words) and a viva voce of 20 minutes where learners will defend their research submission.
To pass the module an aggregate mark of at least 50% must be obtained
Integrated Pathology for Dietitians
This module currently runs:spring semester - Tuesday afternoon
spring semester - Tuesday morning
(core, 20 credits)
Module code: NF7057
Module title: Integrated Pathology for Dietitians
This module aims to provide an appreciation of the genetic basis of inherited diseases and, wherever possible, relate disease phenotype to mutations in gene products or to aberrations in gene expression. The material covered emphasises how an understanding of human biology has advanced through the study of genetic diseases, explores the development of therapeutic strategies using up-to-date primary sources and discusses the latest technological innovations.
It reviews knowledge of human pathology and develops understanding of the research interface, emphasizing the ability to evaluate, integrate and debate topical issues in aetiology, epidemiology or pathogenesis and treatment of disease.
This module will provide learners with a critical understanding of the aetiology, pathology, medical, pharmacological and surgical management of a range of diseases including HIV, renal, liver, cancer and those of the GI tract and respiratory systems.
Assessment: Oral presentation (15 minutes) (40%); Unseen exam (1.5 hours) (60%)
This module forms an essential part of practice based learning preparation. Learners must obtain at least 50% to pass this module. In addition learners must usually obtain at least 45% in each component of assessment within this module. A mark of between 45% and 49% may be compensated by other components.
Nutrition, Food Science and Catering
This module currently runs:autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
(core, 20 credits)
This module will provide you with a critical understanding of food safety legislation and practice and the effects of food production, preparation, and processing on the nutrient content of food. You will also gain an in depth understanding of catering management and the use of nutritional standards in the public sector alongside other key aspects of food systems management. In addition to this, you will gain key professional skills including how to develop professional portfolios, core values for effective leadership and management, key infection control practices and an in-depth understanding of research processes.
The aims of this module are aligned with the qualification descriptors within the Quality Assurance Agency’s Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. Specifically, it aims to provide students with a critical knowledge of the effects of food production, preservation, preparation and processing on the nutrient content of food.
In addition students will be given the opportunity to evaluate and appraise public sector catering management. They will also be provided with an in-depth awareness of core professional skills required to support dietetic practice.
Postgraduate Clinical Dietetics 1
This module currently runs:autumn semester - Thursday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday morning
(core, 20 credits)
Postgraduate Clinical Dietetics 1
This module focuses on the medical, surgical, pharmacological and dietary management of a range of conditions including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, allergic diseases and mental health. It also covers methods of nutritional support and infant, childhood and adolescent nutrition. Learners will learn how to undertake a nutrition and dietetic assessment and devise treatment plans. Learners will also learn how to facilitate learning through delivering structured education.
Teaching period: Autumn period
Required prior learning: MSc Dietetics and Nutrition course entry requirements apply
Assessment: Assessment will comprise of: Case study (2000 words) (40%), In-class test (1.5 hours) (60%), Attendance (minimum of 80% and participation in facilitating the group education role play), Pass/Fail.
This module forms an essential part of practice based learning preparation and learners are normally required to pass this before progressing to practice based learning 2 (DI6W52).
Learners must obtain at least 50% to pass this module. In addition learners must usually obtain at least 45% in each component of assessment within this module. A mark of between 45% and 49% may be compensated by other components.
Postgraduate Clinical Dietetics 2
This module currently runs:spring semester - Friday
(core, 20 credits)
This module provides an opportunity for learners to further develop their understanding and practice of the dietary management of disease. It also enables learners to develop their skills in undertaking one to one consultations, through development of their communication skills and application of the Nutrition and Dietetic Care Process. This module forms an essential part of practice-based learning preparation and provides an opportunity for learners to illustrate their understanding of the requirements by the Health and Care Professions Council, including the expectations of professional behaviour and demonstrate an ability to practise within the ethical and legal boundaries of the dietetic profession. Learners must pass this module before progressing to practice based learning 2 (dietitians).
The aims of this module are aligned with the qualification descriptors within the Quality Assurance Agency’s, Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. More specifically the module aims to develop key knowledge, skills and professional attributes required to implement the Nutrition and Dietetic Care Process for individuals with a range of clinical conditions.
This module aims to provide learners with the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring: the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility; decision making in complex and unpredictable contexts; and the learning ability needed to undertake appropriate further training of a professional or equivalent nature.
Read full detailsPractice Based Learning 1 (Dietitians)
This module currently runs:autumn semester
summer studies
(core, 0 credits)
Practice Based Learning 1 is a 2 week (11 day, 82.5 hours, 100% of the placement) simulated learning experience in dietetic practice providing the opportunity for learners to observe and begin to develop core skills in implementing the model and process for nutrition and dietetic practice with individuals in a variety of settings.
The purpose of the practical practice based learning component of the course is to develop the learner’s dietetic judgment based on the clinical decision making process, through a focus on the integration and practical application of the knowledge and skills learnt in the university setting.
This module will be delivered as a simulated learning experience, facilitated both by academic staff and dietetic practice educators, from external dietetic teams.
The practice based learning modules are a compulsory component of the course.
If learners do not successfully meet the learning outcomes for all three practice based experiences, they will not meet the requirements for registration as a dietitian in the UK.
Students will demonstrate confidence, resilience, ambition and creativity and will act as inclusive, collaborative and socially responsible practitioners throughout this experience.
The practice-based learning modules provide opportunity for the learners to develop specific work skills and valuable professional relationships that prepare them for their future career as a dietitian.
Brief Guidance Notes:
• Where significant health problems have arisen an occupational health assessment will be required at any time prior to or during the practice-based learning.
• Student services are available to provide counselling and other support mechanisms as required. Learners will have to take action on advice from their practice based learning and university staff.
• If learners have additional learning needs identified on practice based learning such as a requirement for maths study skills or have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or dyspraxia they will be required to take appropriate corrective action prior to their next practice based learning. Guidance and support will be offered by the university through the academic tutor (AT) and practice based learning tutor.
• Learners who have requirements which impact on their ability to take up practice based learnings in particular locations (due to a protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act (2010)) should register with the University’s Disability and Dyslexia Service as recommendations relating to reasonable adjustments made by this service will also be considered at the time the learner is selected for allocation. Practice based learnings have experience of managing additional needs and reasonable adjustments will be put in place.
• Learners have the opportunity to indicate on their practice based learning application form any carer responsibilities which may impact their ability to take up specific practice based learnings. Learners must provide details of their carer responsibilities and provide supporting evidence to their practice based learning tutor prior to the point of allocation. Learners should outline clearly how their carer responsibilities impact on their practice based learning selection and what features are required of the practice based learning. Providing this information will not guarantee that the learner will be allocated to one of their preferences but the learner’s circumstances will be considered at the time the learner is selected for allocation.
• This module does not provide academic credit but successful completion is an essential requirement of the course to ensure that learners are eligible to apply to the register of health and care professionals on completion of BSc Dietetics and Nutrition/BSc Dietetics/PG Diploma/MSc Dietetics and Nutrition.
• Learners are not usually eligible for a repeat attempt of Practice Based Learning 1. If an individual learner fails to achieve the learning outcomes of Practice Based Learning 1 the learner should be counselled and advised on an alternative course route. (refer to course specific regulations within the relevant course specification)
Practice Based Learning 2 (Dietitians)
This module currently runs:autumn semester
spring semester
summer studies
(core, 0 credits)
Practice Based Learning 2 provides the opportunity for learners to build on their academic knowledge of nutrition and dietetics for individuals and groups in a range of environments. The learners will observe and practice the knowledge, skills and professional attributes required to implement the process for nutrition and dietetic practice with individuals and groups in a variety of settings.
Learners will experience different ways of communicating with a variety of people and practice skills that they will use throughout their careers. The learners will also establish links with practising dietitians in the area. They will acquire and demonstrate a range of skills which will be assessed against the British Dietetic Association Curriculum Framework.
All clinical practice based learning modules are undertaken using methods of simulated learning as well as in an approved dietetic setting which is primarily within an NHS organisation providing relevant patient care for example but not exclusively within acute, secondary, tertiary or community settings.
The model of simulation will be 24 days (172.8 hours, 40% of the overall placement) run as a combination of block simulation and collaborative learning.
The purpose of the practical practice based learning component of the course is to develop the learner’s dietetic judgment based on the clinical decision making process, through a focus on the integration and practical application of the knowledge and skills learnt in the university setting.
Students will demonstrate confidence, resilience, ambition and creativity and will act as inclusive, collaborative and socially responsible practitioners throughout the module.
The practice based learning modules are a compulsory component of the course.
If learners do not successfully meet the learning outcomes for all three practice based experiences, they will not meet the requirements for registration as a dietitian in the UK.
The practice based learning modules provide opportunity for the learners to develop specific work skills and valuable professional relationships that prepare them for their future career as a dietitian.
Brief Guidance Notes:
• Where significant health problems have arisen an occupational health assessment will be required at any time prior to or during the practice based learning.
• Student services are available to provide counselling and other support mechanisms as required. Learners will have to take action on advice from their practice based learning and university staff.
• If learners have additional learning needs identified on practice based learning such as a requirement for maths study skills or have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or dyspraxia they will be required to take appropriate corrective action prior to their next practice based learning. Guidance and support will be offered by the university through the academic tutor (AT) and practice based learning tutor.
• Learners who have requirements which impact on their ability to take up practice based learnings in particular locations (due to a protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act (2010)) should register with the University’s Disability and Dyslexia Service as recommendations relating to reasonable adjustments made by this service will also be considered at the time the learner is selected for allocation. Practice based learnings have experience of managing additional needs and reasonable adjustments will be put in place.
• Learners have the opportunity to indicate on their practice based learning application form any carer responsibilities which may impact their ability to take up specific practice based learnings. Learners must provide details of their carer responsibilities and provide supporting evidence to their practice based learning tutor prior to the point of allocation. Learners should outline clearly how their carer responsibilities impact on their practice based learning selection and what features are required of the practice based learning. Providing this information will not guarantee that the learner will be allocated to one of their preferences but the learner’s circumstances will be considered at the time the learner is selected for allocation.
• This module does not provide academic credit but successful completion is an essential requirement of the course to ensure that learners are eligible to apply to the register of health and care professionals on completion of BSc Dietetics and Nutrition/BSc Dietetics/PG Diploma/MSc Dietetics and Nutrition.
• Please refer to section 13: Description of assessment items for details of placement verification and procedures in the event of placement failure.
Practice Based Learning 3 (Dietitians)
This module currently runs:summer studies
spring semester
autumn semester
(core, 0 credits)
Practice Based Learning 3 is an 11 week practice based learning providing the opportunity for learners to observe and develop core skills in implementing the dietetic care process with individuals and groups in a variety of settings.
They will experience different ways of communicating with a variety of people and practice skills that they will use throughout their careers. The learners will also establish links with practising dietitians in the area. They will acquire and demonstrate a range of skills which will be assessed against the British Dietetic Association Curriculum Framework.
All clinical practice based learning modules are undertaken through simulation and in an approved dietetic setting which is primarily within an NHS organisation providing relevant patient care for example but not exclusively within acute, secondary, tertiary or community settings.
The length of time and model of simulation will be 13 days (93.6 hours, 24% of the overall placement) run as a combination of block simulation and collaborative learning. Students will spend the final 3 weeks of their placement solely within the NHS organisation they have been allocated to consolidate their skills and knowledge.
The purpose of the practical practice based learning component of the course is to develop the learner’s dietetic judgment based on the clinical decision making process, through a focus on the integration and practical application of the knowledge and skills learnt in the university setting.
Demonstrate confidence, resilience, ambition and creativity and will act as inclusive, collaborative and socially responsible practitioners throughout this module.
The practice based learning modules are a compulsory component of the course.
If learners do not successfully meet the learning outcomes for all three practice based modules, they will not meet the requirements for registration as a dietitian in the UK.
The practice based learning modules provide opportunity for the learners to develop specific work skills and valuable professional relationships that prepare them for their future career as a dietitian.
Brief Guidance Notes:
• Where significant health problems have arisen an occupational health assessment will be required at any time prior to or during the practice based learning.
• Student services are available to provide counselling and other support mechanisms as required. Learners will have to take action on advice from their practice based learning and university staff.
• If learners have additional learning needs identified on practice based learning such as a requirement for maths study skills or have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or dyspraxia they will be required to take appropriate corrective action prior to their next practice based learning. Guidance and support will be offered by the university through the academic tutor (AT) and practice based learning tutor.
• Learners who have requirements which impact on their ability to take up practice based learnings in particular locations (due to a protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act (2010)) should register with the University’s Disability and Dyslexia Service as recommendations relating to reasonable adjustments made by this service will also be considered at the time the learner is selected for allocation. Practice based learnings have experience of managing additional needs and reasonable adjustments will be put in place.
• Learners have the opportunity to indicate on their practice based learning application form any carer responsibilities which may impact their ability to take up specific practice based learnings. Learners must provide details of their carer responsibilities and provide supporting evidence to their practice based learning tutor prior to the point of allocation. Learners should outline clearly how their carer responsibilities impact on their practice based learning selection and what features are required of the practice based learning. Providing this information will not guarantee that the learner will be allocated to one of their preferences but the learner’s circumstances will be considered at the time the learner is selected for allocation.
• This module does not provide academic credit but successful completion is an essential requirement of the course to ensure that learners are eligible to apply to the register of health and care professionals on completion of BSc Dietetics and Nutrition/BSc Dietetics/PG Diploma/MSc Dietetics and Nutrition.
• Please refer to section 13: Description of assessment items for details of placement verification and procedures in the event of placement failure.
Public Health Practice Based Learning
This module currently runs:summer studies
(core, 0 credits)
Public Health Practice Based Learning is a 3 week (15 days, 112.5 hours, 100% direct ) learning experience in public health nutrition practice providing the opportunity for learners to observe and begin to develop core skills in assessing and identifying nutritional needs of populations to underpin planning, implementation and evaluation of public health nutrition interventions.
All practice based learning modules are undertaken in an approved setting which provides opportunity for learners to complete a suitable public health focused project. These are a variety of settings which may include government and non-government organisations, local authorities, NHS acute or community settings, schools, private companies, food banks and charities. Learners will be provided with adequate support through appropriately skilled site supervisors and/or university-based long arm supervision. The purpose of the practice-based learning component of the course is to develop the learner’s ability to apply nutritional knowledge to practical scenarios.
The practice-based learning module is a compulsory component of the course.
The practice-based learning modules provide opportunity for the learners to develop specific work skills and valuable professional relationships that prepare them for their future career.
Brief Guidance Notes:
• Where significant health problems have arisen an occupational health assessment will be required at any time prior to or during the practice-based learning.
• Student services are available to provide counselling and other support mechanisms as required. Learners will have to take action on advice from their practice-based learning and university staff.
• Learners who have requirements which impact on their ability to take up practice-based learnings in particular locations (due to a protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act (2010)) should register with the University’s Disability and Dyslexia Service as recommendations relating to reasonable adjustments made by this service will also be considered at the time the learner is selected for allocation. Practice based learnings have experience of managing additional needs and reasonable adjustments will be put in place.
• Learners have the opportunity to indicate on their practice-based learning application form any carer responsibilities which may impact their ability to take up specific practice-based learnings. Learners must provide details of their carer responsibilities and provide supporting evidence to their practice-based learning tutor prior to the point of allocation. Learners should outline clearly how their carer responsibilities impact on their practice-based learning selection and what features are required of the practice-based learning. Providing this information will not guarantee that the learner will be allocated to one of their preferences but the learner’s circumstances will be considered at the time the learner is selected for allocation.
• This module does not provide academic credit but successful completion is an essential requirement to be awarded for courses eligible to undertake the module.
• Learners are not usually eligible for a repeat attempt of Public Health Practice Based Learning. If an individual learner fails to achieve the learning outcomes of Public Health Practice Based Learning, the learner should be counselled and advised on an alternative course route. (refer to course specific regulations within the relevant course specification)
Public Health and Epidemiology
This module currently runs:spring semester - Monday morning
(core, 20 credits)
This module aims to develop knowledge and skills of nutritional epidemiology and its application to public health nutrition. Students will learn the theory and application of public health and will understand the process of undertaking a public health nutrition strategy. This will enable students to demonstrate the ability to contribute to service development increasing their leadership and management skills.
In undertaking this module students will be able to demonstrate confidence, resilience, ambition and creativity and be identifiable as inclusive, collaborative and socially responsible dietetic professionals.
1. Report which will be a business case apply for funding to implement a public health project (2500 words) (80%);
2. This will be accompanied by a 20 minute oral presentation (10%) of a poster (10%) pitching the business case.
This module forms an essential part of preparation for placement 3. Students must obtain at least 50% to pass this module. In addition students must usually obtain at least 45% in each component of assessment within this module. A mark of between 45% and 49% may be compensated by other components.
1. Introduce the concepts and principles used in public health and epidemiology.
2. Develop an understanding of contemporary and controversial issues in public health.
3. Appreciate the ethical implications involved in the application of nutritional information for public health.
4. Gain a clear understanding of factors affecting food choice throughout the lifecycle and across socioeconomic divide.