Why study this course?

Successfully complete the MA Global Human Resource Management course and you’ll receive a Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development advanced Level 7 associate membership certificate and associate membership from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

This will allow you to apply for an upgrade to chartered membership or chartered fellowship depending on your professional experience. Whether you want to enter junior human resources roles or progress onto more senior roles, this master’s will equip you with the skills and knowledge to do so.

We're sixth in the country for producing the most CEOs and managing directors, according to a study by Hitachi Capital Invoice Finance.

The MA Global Human Resources Management is an ideal next step to boost your future career opportunities.

More about this course

Our teaching is offered on a full-time basis, mainly delivered during the daytime, and can be completed in 12-15 months. A part-time study option may also be considered for working students or those with other conflicting commitments. This study option is subject to approval by the course leader, on a person-to-person basis. There are two annual entry points for admission. January and September start dates are available to ensure flexibility.

You’ll examine the theories of global human resource management (including strategy and practice, covering issues around managing people across different cultures, employee engagement, talent management, and employment law). This will be applied to all business sizes, from entrepreneurial start-ups to large multinational companies.

Your analytical and critical thinking skills will be developed so you can use the theories to solve practical, real world, human resource issues in your workplace. We’ll also help you improve your research skills so you can put together either a research dissertation or a consultancy report or, undertake a placement. These assessments will address the human resource issues facing your organisation and how you could tackle them.

We’ve structured the course, so your learning meets all the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development requirements. For example, their skills for business leadership requirements are delivered and assessed across all four of the core modules.


The teaching staff on this master’s programme are highly research-active in their chosen research specialisms. This means you'll benefit from their expert academic perspectives on the important issues facing the human resource profession today.

There will be guest speakers from the private, public and not-for-profit sector, as well as consultants and authors of highly respected works, which will contribute to your learning.

You’re encouraged to join your fellow students at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development North London and, other London branch events. This will further develop your human resource expertise and professional human resource network.

The high quality of education on our CIPD-related courses means you can expect the following benefits as commended by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development:

  • an up to date and high-quality curriculum
  • excellent standards of teaching and learning
  • strong commitment and support from lecturers
  • effective use of action learning sets
  • a strong ethos and beneficial formative feedback


Assessment carried out for all modules is both formative and summative. The formative assessment provides you with the opportunity for feedback on your work without it counting towards your final grade. Whether you arrive to the programme with junior or more senior human resource management experience or are making a career change, you'll find the assessments interesting and challenging.

The assessment methods include written report and essay assignments, comparative analyses, case studies, a skills development portfolio and learning log, presentations, and group work. In addition, you will have the option to choose whether you wish to complete either a 12,000-to-15,000-word human resource management dissertation, a business consultancy report, or a work placement programme.

Professional accreditation

You are encouraged to join the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development as a student member when you begin your course.

Upon successful completion of the MA Global Human Resource Management programme,  subject to being a Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development member, you’ll gain associate membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and you can apply for professional upgrading linked to your professional experience to achieve Chartered Membership or Chartered Fellowship.

Our dedicated Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development professional adviser from the North London branch can guide you on your application to upgrade to chartered status.

Fees and key information

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Entry requirements

You will be required to have:

A good bachelor’s degree (2.2) in any subject. In certain circumstances, you may be considered if you have significant human resource experience at a senior level. Interviews are generally required for non-standard entry, and your IELTS results must be a minimum of 6.

Accelerated study

For those students following successful completion of Diploma in Global Human Resource Management postgraduate, you may be considered for direct entry on to our MA Global Human Resource Management.

This is subject to gaining 120 credits. Here, you will have the opportunity to choose to complete a human resource management dissertation, a business consultancy report or a work placement programme or any other option or alt option (20 credit) module.

To be admitted to the MA Global Human Resource Management top-up course, you are normally required to demonstrate an average of 55% pass marks across the Diploma in Global Human Resource Management postgraduate. This is subject to the decision of the course leader.

Accreditation of Prior Learning

Any university-level qualifications or relevant experience you gain prior to starting university could count towards your course at London Met. Find out more about applying for Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL).

English language requirements

To study a degree at London Met, you must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. If you require a Student visa (previously Tier 4) you may need to provide the results of a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. This course requires you to meet our standard requirements.

If you need (or wish) to improve your English before starting your degree, the University offers a Pre-sessional Academic English course to help you build your confidence and reach the level of English you require.

Modular structure

The modules listed below are for the academic year 2024/25 and represent the course modules at this time. Modules and module details (including, but not limited to, location and time) are subject to change over time.

Year 1 modules include:

This module currently runs:
  • spring semester - Wednesday afternoon

It is increasingly acknowledged that many organisations are functioning in what are turbulent and uncertain environments. Significantly, the CIPD in its position paper People Management Matters placed the role of changes in external markets and associated competitive pressures at the forefront of factors seen to be exerting an influence on organisations, managers and the management of people. Such an approach has also influenced recent academic treatment of people management and is increasingly reflected in government policy towards product and labour markets and in legislation affecting the management of people.
Perhaps as significant as the developing competitive context for organisations has been the growing importance of working and doing business beyond the UK after Brexit, and the implications of this for people management practice. This, along with domestic legislation will bring about significant changes to the role of the HR practitioner in many organisations.

Much of what is covered in this module is to take these and other broader contextual issues such as demographic and technological changes and attempt to analyse them in some depth and then explore their implications for organisations, specifically those of strategy and structure, and the management of staff. That is to examine and analyse the contexts in which organisations operate and then to examine how management responds to diverse contextual challenges and to continuous change when devising and implementing appropriate strategies for survival and growth.

Finally, the module engages with the whole area of corporate governance, including CSR but with particular focus on how organisations are owned and controlled and how this plays out in terms of the role and status accorded to people management. This connects with the importance of issues such as shareholder value, and how HR adds value to an organisation, which in turn leads into consideration of the need for HR to be financially aware and to be able to argue its case in accounting and financial terms.

Module Aims

This module has four specific aims. First, to bring together those factors that are relevant to any consideration of ‘management in context’, and specifically those areas within the external and internal environments that influence management decision-making. Second, to develop an integrative and systematic overview of these influences, both within the module and alongside the ‘Leading, Managing and Developing People’ module. Third, and in conjunction with the ‘Leading, Managing and Developing People’ module, to emphasise the dynamic and complex nature of the environments within which management operates, as well as the impact of changes on different organisational stakeholders. These effects in turn impact on the power balance and resources available to managers and determine the political context in which they have to operate. This point is reinforced in the fourth, and final aim: the role of management in fashioning the strategic direction of the organisation in the context of competing stakeholder interests.

This module currently runs:
  • spring semester - Wednesday morning

This module begins by exploring and explains national differences in the way we work and manage people at work, as well as some of the key differences in national institutions. The topic is investigated in both international and intra-national contexts, and draws on perspectives from social anthropology, social psychology, organisational behaviour and management theory. The module moves on to consider the implications for, and related practice at Global HRM levels.

It provides you with a rigorous framework of knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of people management in an international context. The module aligns with a number of the core knowledge membership standards and core behavioural membership standards set out in the Professional Map of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD). However, the module content will be valuable whatever your chosen career specialism.

Module Aims

a) you will have the necessary competencies to lead, manage and develop culturally diverse teams effectively.

b) you will be culturally and socially aware, equipped to develop ethical, inclusive and sustainable strategies for leadership and management.

c) you will be able to deliver best practice people management in the context of Global HR function or to organisations working in an international context.

This module currently runs:
  • autumn semester - Thursday afternoon

This module provides you with a rigorous framework of knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of people management. The module aligns with a number of the core knowledge membership standards and core behavioural membership standards set out in the Professional Map of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD). However, the module content will be valuable whatever your chosen career specialism.

The module will familiarise you with major contemporary research evidence on leadership and management, identifying effective approaches to Human Resource Management and Human Resource Development practice. Research focusing on the links between people management practices and positive organisational outcomes will be covered, including contemporary and emerging developments in practice.

The module encourages and enables you to develop a strong sense of awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses as a leader, manager and colleague.

During the module, you will build a portfolio of valuable skills required for effectiveness in leadership and in people management. These include leading dynamic teams, decision-making skills, interpersonal skills and others associated with developing personal effectiveness and credibility at work.

Finally, the module includes some key post-graduate level study-skills, which will help you to engage fully with your academic studies and apply your academic learning to your professional practice. The study-skills will help you build the bridge between theory and practice, facilitating your continuing professional development.

Module Aims

a) you will have the necessary competencies to lead, manage and develop yourself and others effectively.

b) you will be organisationally and socially aware, equipped to develop ethical, inclusive and sustainable strategies for leadership and management.

c) you will be able to deliver best practice people management whilst enhancing your impact and value either to the HR function or to the wider organisation.

This module currently runs:
  • autumn semester - Tuesday morning

The module aims to provide the student with a good grounding in key aspects of recruiting, retaining, developing effective performers, as well as where necessary, managing people out of the organisation.

The module focuses not just on practical aspects of these professional areas but their strategic importance within local, national and global contexts. Topics such as diversity, employee engagement, ethics, employee development and social responsibility will be viewed from a resourcing perspective.

Module Aims

The module will look at the current and changing nature of workforce mobilisation, resourcing and retention of people. The module will look at how effective organisations can build a strategic approach to attracting, retaining, developing and shedding staff, taking into account the evolving nature of employment markets and changing demographics. Students will achieve this through reflecting on theory and practice from an ethical and professional standpoint.

Globalisation, changing demographics, and migration have led to greater diversity including ethnic diversity, gender diversity, older workers and disabled people in the workforce. In this context, the module also aims to explore two major theoretical perspectives, the Business Case for Diversity and Intersectionality. Each of these theories informs HRM professionals in their resourcing and talent management policies and practices. Most particularly, the module investigates the partnership between HR professionals and line managers, which enables organisations to achieve inclusivity in resourcing practice, both in domestic and international settings.

This module currently runs:
  • summer studies - Friday morning
  • autumn semester - Friday morning
  • spring semester - Friday morning

This module provides you with the opportunity to work on specific business issues that organisations are facing. Utilising your competences of handling and managing business challenges, starting from problem identification and concluding with solution-related recommendations, thus encouraging research into real world business issues impacting organisations.
Useful and applied business research, like useful reflection, leads to change. To that end, students will be encouraged to take a pragmatic approach to their research, seeking always to create actionable conclusions of value to business managers, owners and entrepreneurs.
The aims of the module are to:
1. Foster a critical awareness and deep interest in a management/business issue or topic associated with their subject specialist area and to combine knowledge and analyses acquired in modules to explore that topic in depth
2. Enable students to produce a full business research report and a management summary on an appropriate topic to a professional and engaging standard that provides the basis for action.
3. Encourage reflection to critically evaluate the success of a business-related project and assess personal competence in the light of current knowledge and skills.
4. Build each student’s knowledge and confidence in their chosen subject to facilitate employability.
The expectation is that students will undertake research in areas of interest to them that is in context to their chosen programme and that develops knowledge and skills that support employment. Examples of possible areas of research include:
• Evaluation of an opportunity to enter a new market e.g. is it feasible for a low cost airline to enter the market in Brazil?
• Evaluation of a specific firm’s strategy and performance e.g. how is Ford responding to the advent of electric vehicles, driverless technology and ride sharing?
• Analysis of the impact of technology change on a company, industry or sector e.g. how will driverless technology and ride sharing impact on car ownership?
• Analysis of trends to create potential strategic scenarios for a firm or industry e.g. what are the future scenarios for law firms in the light of the adoption of AI?
• Analysis of competition in a specific market or industry e.g. global competition in the rapidly growing e-bike industry
• Identifying solutions to a specific business problem e.g. with a small or medium sized business e.g. what needs to be done to grow the business to the next level
• Analysis of disruption in an industry and the implications for a specific incumbent e.g. how should a black cab driver respond to Uber and other ride sharing platforms?
• Analysis of the effect of government intervention in a particular industry e.g. the current trade dispute over subsidies to Boeing and Airbus
• Response from Banks and FIs to the changing customer interaction and business landscape in the post pandemic era

This module currently runs:
  • summer studies - Wednesday evening
  • autumn semester - Friday evening
  • spring semester - Wednesday evening

This module provides students with the opportunity to undertake research projects on specific research questions related to their course.

Students will critically investigate issues cognate to their programme of study. The aim will be to make proposals or recommendations for the future and / or a contribution to extant theory.

Students are expected to utilise appropriate investigative techniques and standards of data collection and analysis as they write their postgraduate research-based dissertation.

The dissertation will be 10,000 words in length.

The dissertation module has the following aims:

1. To facilitate a detailed investigation of one area or topic within the subject field;

2. To develop a thorough analysis and synthesis of theory, policy and practice in relation to the chosen topic;

3. To provide an opportunity for critical reflection on the research topic.

The expectation is that students will undertake research in areas of interest to them that is in context to their chosen course; the research supervisor will be allocated by the subject area within which the course is located.

This module currently runs:
  • spring semester - Tuesday evening

This module offers students a critical understanding of data and different techniques employed for data analysis in relation to the global business.

To provide students with practical skills necessary to undertake data analysis for global business, the aims of the module are:

  • to introduce methods for data handling
  • to discuss mathematical and statistical foundations for data presentation and analysis
  • to develop thorough analysis and synthesis of theory and practice in relation to the subject areas
  • to foster a critical awareness and deep interest in global business issues
  • to master steps in formulating an econometric model
  • to provide an opportunity to students for critical self-reflection, studying and data analysis skills and knowledge.

The module uses Bloomberg for teaching delivery and enables students to join the elite group of Bloomberg users around the world. The module also enables the development of expertise in the use of packages such as SPSS, EViews and NVivo to analyse data.

Note: If there are not sufficient student numbers to make a module viable, the School reserves the right to cancel such a module. If the School cancels a module it will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a suitable alternative.

This module currently runs:
  • autumn semester - Monday afternoon

Crucial to the delivery of superior organisational performance is the extent to which the employees of an organisation feel involved, committed and engaged. This module explores the different dimensions of employee engagement. It examines and explores what is meant by ‘engagement’ and why some organisations are better than others at creating authentic engagement among their employees. The module examines what organisations can do, with the aid of its human resource (HR) professionals, to create high levels of workforce engagement.
The module will equip learners with a comprehensive academic understanding of the concept of ‘employee engagement’ and how it is measured. Students will also have the chance to apply their knowledge on a practitioner orientated assessment.
The module explores the research-based and philosophical connections between employee engagement and other related beliefs, values, leadership models and management practice. The module will also focus on the multi-dimensional relationships between employment relations, reward, equality and engagement.
This module provides learners with knowledge and understanding of the rationale for the emergence of employee engagement as a key priority for organisations with high-performance working (HPW) aspirations. Students will develop the ability to assess and interpret ‘evidence’ on the topic cautiously, reining in expectations as to the benefits of engagement. Employee engagement, if properly understood, carefully implemented and objectively measured, is a powerful tool for delivering positive and ‘bottom-line’ outcomes. However the module will also critically analyse some of the extensive grey literature on the topic which lack sufficient empirical detail and may reflect vested interest in reporting/inflating progress and success.
Learners will explore techniques needed to measure engagement, take remedial action or embed engagement-enhancing cultural practices. Students will learn to identify, prioritise and evaluate actions to promote high levels of engagement. The module requires critical reflection on theory and practice from an ethical and professional standpoint and provides opportunities for applied learning and continuous professional development.

Module Aims

1) To enable students to understand and analyse contemporary employee engagement theory and practice.
2) To demonstrate how engagement theory, models and diagnostic frameworks can be used to facilitate a better understanding of engagement and its application.
3) To develop awareness of the factors which impact upon employee engagement strategies and policies.
4) To equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop and implement strategic employee engagement interventions and action plans in an organisational setting.

This module currently runs:
  • spring semester - Wednesday evening
  • autumn semester - Wednesday evening

This module will enable students to critically analyse contemporary employment law issues, keep abreast of legal developments and appreciate the practical implications of employment law disputes.

Assessment: The module is assessed by 100% coursework. It consists of two pieces of written coursework weighted 75% and 25%.

This module aims to provide learners with an understanding of this complex area of law and of the importance of law and legal developments in the employment field. It will enable learners to keep abreast of legal developments and to critically analyse the law and evaluate the implications for employment practice.

The assessment strategy is designed to assess legal knowledge and enhance learners’ understanding of the practical implications, thereby enabling students to appreciate appropriate responses and issues relating to presenting and settling employment law cases.

The module covers the CIPD module Employment Law.

This module currently runs:
  • autumn semester - Wednesday morning
  • autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
  • autumn semester - Thursday morning
  • autumn semester - Thursday afternoon
  • autumn semester - Friday morning
  • autumn semester - Friday afternoon

Business strategy addresses the choices firms make as they set their mission and goals, make decisions in relation to positioning and which markets to enter, and develop their business models. They do this in the context of the external environment, addressing changes in technology, government intervention, competitor actions, customers and markets.

This module aims to:

  • Provide a context for current strategic and social issues raised by technology change
  • Enable students to develop an understanding of business purpose, strategy and strategy development and to understand how this applies in global organisational contexts for both small and large businesses.
  • Develop the knowledge and skills to analyse the current and future business environment through the recognition of changes and trends, and the construction of scenarios
  • Introduce the importance of resources and capabilities and develop students’ abilities to critically evaluate their importance as sources of sustainable competitive advantage but also as potential sources of disadvantage when disruptive innovation occurs
  • Develop critical awareness of the importance of stakeholders including governments, societies, suppliers and employees, and the need for corporate governance, ethical decision making and corporate responsibility.
  • Develop an understanding of managerial decision making with limited information and industry uncertainty through participation in a business simulation.

A key element of the module is participation in the business simulation in which students will compete against each other in terms within a simulated global marketplace.

This module currently runs:
  • autumn semester - Monday afternoon
  • spring semester - Tuesday morning
  • spring semester - Tuesday afternoon
  • spring semester - Wednesday afternoon
  • spring semester - Wednesday afternoon
  • spring semester - Thursday morning
  • spring semester - Thursday afternoon

Project management practice in the US and Europe is set out in a number of methods and bodies of knowledge (BOK) including the:

  • US Project Management Institute’s PMBOK
  • UK Association of Project Managers APMBOK
  • best practice guides published by the UK Government that have built on the PRINCE method and now include Programme Management, Risk Management and Agile,
  • Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) Project Management developed by the Agile Business Consortium.

This module deals with the core activities of project management as set out in the APM BOK version 7, making comparisons with the PMBOK and PRINCE. The focus is primarily on managing a highly predictive project where the output is clearly defined and understood, for example a building construction project. Consideration is also given to projects where the solution emerges in an iterative or evolutionary way and so Agile methods are also introduced.

Students will develop the ability to create, manage and close projects effectively, and to make use of project management software. The module will introduce relevant theories and research in relation to projects as temporary social organisations, the categorisation of project types, the nature and management of risk, and the importance of stakeholder communication and management.

This module currently runs:
  • spring semester - Monday afternoon

The module builds upon the “Contextualising Management” and the “Leading, Managing and Developing People” modules, adding a more in-depth and integrated appreciation of Employment Relations to the field of human resource management. It examines both individual and collective aspects of this relationship and explores in depth the various ways in which relationships are managed in both unionised and non-union settings. In this it reflects the thinking within the CIPD, that 'the cornerstone of all human resource activity is the employment relationship’.

The module explores the choices available to organisations in managing the Employment Relationship, what influences these choices and how the choices are experienced by those working in organisations. It examines the effects that employment relations practice has within these organisations. The module considers shifting priorities in managing employment relations and the diversity of employment relations and practices found in organisations, by making extensive use of case studies and case scenarios. In doing so, it adopts a critical orientation and encourages participants to reflect upon practices. Participants will also be prompted to consider the motivation for evolving practice in employment relations, and evaluate some such changes to practice.

Module Aims

1) To enable students to understand and analyse contemporary employment relations theory and practice.
2) To develop awareness of the importance of the contexts of organisations (both internal and external) and the factors which impact upon employment relations strategies and policies.

This module provides students with systematic understanding of theory and research relating to social cognition, social identity, and social behaviour.

This module currently runs:
  • autumn semester - Monday morning
  • autumn semester - Monday afternoon
  • autumn semester - Tuesday morning
  • autumn semester - Tuesday afternoon

This module will address the critical issue of how current thinking on sustainability will impact on businesses and organisations and how they respond.

The need to create more sustainable organisations and businesses is fundamental to current and future organisational development strategies, and it is necessary for students to understand the growing influence of the sustainability agenda on industry. This influence takes on many forms, from government policies and international agreements to the measuring of impacts of organisational practices on the ecology and communities. It is clear that in the future, organisations, businesses, communities and individuals will be expected to understand and take responsibility for their economic, environmental and social impacts. This module will examine the current and future challenges, it will equip students with knowledge to deal with the challenge of creating sustainable forms of business that operate within ecological and socio-economic limits.

It will explore the sustainability context, and how business practices will need to evolve to reflect the realities of operating within a globalised trading system that is striving to apply sustainability principles. This is an important area of increasing scrutiny for airlines and airports. Particular focus will be given to the importance of Sustainability reporting and reporting standards.

What our students say

"I was looking for a master’s degree that could satisfy my interest in getting a deep understanding of leadership and motivation. London Met had the perfect subject areas and modules related to this field."
Former student

"Studying the two-year Global Human Resource Management MA course not only provided me with new knowledge on a host of topics, but also provided me with a new network of HR colleagues and friends, interesting insights into the HR sector and built confidence in my abilities as a HR professional."
Former student

"The Global Human Resource Management MA course was a life-changing experience. I found the course intellectually stretching, gained a greater understanding of the context within which HR operates, learnt the role of strategic HR and discovered the positive possibilities that HR can bring to organisations."
Former student

Where this course can take you

The University has a high reputation for employability - 93% of our graduates are in work or further study within six months of graduating.

Complete our MA Global Human Resources Management and you'll possess a significant career advantage. There are multiple routes to a career in human resource management. Recent graduates have attained full-time positions from their dissertations, consultancy reports or placements in financial services, leisure and tourism, major international charities and the health sector.

Other graduates that have gone on to work in the private sector have moved from administrative and personal assistant positions to being in charge of strategic human resource projects. We also have graduates who have moved up into international human resource management positions for global companies.

How to apply

Use the apply button to begin your application.

If you require a Student visa and wish to study a postgraduate course on a part-time basis, please read our how to apply information for international students to ensure you have all the details you need about the application process.

When to apply

To find out when teaching for this degree will begin, as well as welcome week and any induction activities, view our academic term dates.

To find out when teaching for this degree will begin, as well as welcome week and any induction activities, view our academic term dates.