Fees and key information

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Why study this course?

This Primary 3 to 7 course leads to Qualified Teacher Status and to the Master’s Level PGCE qualification. It prepares you to teach 3- to 7-year-olds, while also giving you an understanding of the full age range of primary education

You’ll learn all the skills you need to start teaching in primary schools, with expert guidance from our tutor team and with strong school placements to give you the experience to teach with confidence.

By choosing to train as a teacher of 3 to 7-year-olds at London Met, you’ll be joining a powerful partnership of diverse teachers and schools. You’ll undertake two school placements of 10 and 14 weeks, giving you excellent hands-on practical experience in two different schools. We place an emphasis on teaching in an urban, multicultural environment, which is ideal if you want to teach in a city setting.

This PGCE course benefits from our convenient London location and will broaden your understanding of teaching in multicultural and diverse urban environments. Through study, discussion and teaching, you’ll develop an understanding of how children learn and the methods you can use to help them to effectively develop their knowledge and skills.

We place great emphasis on sharing feedback to feedforward with your peers and colleagues. You’ll complete a weekly reflection and contribute to discussions online to further develop your understanding of the role of a primary teacher.

In the university-based sessions at our Holloway campus, you’ll learn teaching strategies and pedagogical techniques, as well as discovering the fundamentals of how pupils learn. These sessions will include collaborative projects and school-based projects with other trainees, gaining and practising the most up to date knowledge of the principles of planning, teaching and assessment.

Throughout your school placements, your school-based mentors and university tutors will support you in the classroom. By gaining experience both in the classroom and at university, you have the chance to reflect on links between your own teaching practice and theory.

With its high-quality teaching, this course is highly rated by Ofsted, who praised the university ‘...in its ambition to recruit and train future teachers from diverse backgrounds who reflect the different backgrounds and perspectives of school communities. This ‘ambitious and demanding’ course offers a ‘carefully planned and sequenced curriculum that prepares them for working in schools. Trainees are proud to study here and feel well supported by university and school staff.’ (Ofsted 2024).

Join a group of high achievers

Attendees of our PGCE Primary courses attain high results, with almost 100% passing the course and 96% going on to obtain employment, often with their placement schools

Take your career to the next level

This PGCE Primary course prepares you to teach three to seven-year-olds (Key Stage 1) and leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)

Learn from industry professionals

Your time at our partnership school will be supported by school-based mentors and University-linked tutors

Join our next open event at our Holloway campus on Saturday 29 March at 1.30pm

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Course modules

The modules listed below are for the academic year 2024/25 and represent the course modules at this time. Modules and module details (including, but not limited to, location and time) are subject to change over time.

Year modules

Curriculum Studies

This module currently runs:
all year (September start)

(core, 30 credits)

NB: Teaching Period is a statutory period of currently 36 weeks, set by the Department of Education. Term dates are set separately to the standard university dates, with an earlier start and later finish than other postgraduate courses.

The Curriculum Studies module aims to ensure that all students have appropriate knowledge, skills and understanding to teach their chosen specialism as an effective practitioner, in fulfilment of all relevant aspects of the Core Content Framework.

To support the student:
● to develop an understanding of the curriculum knowledge and pedagogical knowledge that they will require as a teacher, including the ability to interpret this to plan, teach and assess engaging lessons which promote pupil progression.
● to develop their own subject knowledge to ensure they are confident to teach their chosen specialist subject and/or phase, through a combination of assessment, self-assessment, target setting, personal study and engagement with university teaching and learning sessions.
● to develop a critical appreciation of the relevant traditions in pedagogy, assessment and children’s rights related to the areas they will be required to teach, and to use this knowledge to make decisions about planning, teaching and assessment which promote pupil progression.

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Professionalism and Inclusive Practice

This module currently runs:
all year (September start)
autumn semester

(core, 30 credits)

NB: Teaching Period is a statutory period of currently 36 weeks, set by the Department of Education. Term dates are set separately to the standard university dates, with an earlier start and later finish than other postgraduate courses.

The Professional Inclusive Practice (PIP) module aims to ensure that student teachers are prepared for all aspects of professionalism and professional thinking as a teacher. It aims to ensure that they are fully equipped to meet the broader knowledge, skills and behaviours beyond individual subject or phase specialist topics, in fulfilment of all aspects of the Core Content Framework.
To support the trainee:
• to develop a critical understanding of the key philosophies that underpin our curriculum, based on the principles of Education for Social Justice, Critical Pedagogy and the UNCRC.
• to teach in a range of contexts, with a focus on teaching in multilingual, multicultural schools, working closely with families, communities and other professionals and to develop a sense of professional identity which reflects this.
• to develop the full range of skills, competencies and attitudes needed to enhance their employability, by enabling them to attain the professional Teachers’ Standards for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) by the end of the course.
• to enable students to reflect upon, critically assess and research their own practice. 

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School Experience

This module currently runs:
all year (September start)

(core, 0 credits)

NB: Teaching Period (whole course) is a statutory period of currently 36 weeks, set by the Department of Education. Placement Module dates are set at 24 weeks minimum. Term dates are set separately to the standard university dates, with an earlier start and later finish than other postgraduate courses.

The module will be comprised of two school experiences placements in contrasting schools or other appropriate settings to support the trainee to:
• Develop their professional practice as a teacher.
• Gain the skills and understanding outlined in the Core Content Framework for ITT.
• Become a critically reflective practitioner inside and outside the classroom.
• Acquire the necessary skills, experience and understanding required to plan, deliver and evaluate the appropriate areas of the curriculum (for their route) by the end of the module.

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Course details

Before you can enrol on the course, you must have:

  • a UK degree, preferably grade 2.2 (or international equivalent)
  • GCSE English, Mathematics and Science grade C/4 or above (or equivalent)*
  • a valid enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate which you will be advised to apply for after an offer is made
  • Confirmation of Fitness to Teach through a London Metropolitan University Health Check
  • Acceptable academic and/or professional references

If you hold a third class degree, you may still be considered, particularly if this qualification is supported by a completed Master's degree or relevant work experience.

We do make conditional offers (with strict deadlines) so it is important that you include all pending qualifications in your application.


The University will assess any overseas qualifications for equivalence using a number of resources including our own internal guidelines, the UK ENIC and the Overseas Degree Table.

We highly recommend the one-to-one tailored advice on eligibility and equivalency offered by the Department For Education Get Into Teaching service.

*If you need to take an equivalency test for any of the required GCSEs, please sign up for A Star Equivalency or Equivalency Testing. They offer all three GCSE equivalencies. Please be aware that you may need to undertake study towards the exam, either with the equivalency organisation or independently.

Alternatively, you might want to sign up for a college GCSE course in the relevant subject, which will give a more thorough grounding in the subject.

Selection Process

In addition to the entry requirements above, London Metropolitan University will undertake a rigorous selection process to ensure that you are suitable and ready to train to teach with us. This process will include:

  • Face to face interview in the university (online interviews may be available in certain circumstances)
  • Presentation of a mock lesson
  • Group work assessment tasks
  • Maths and English skills (assessed as part of the interview)

Professional requirements

Before you can be permitted to enrol to this course:

  • you must not already hold QTS or be qualified to teach in another EU/EEA country

Prior to the interview for this course, London Met recommends:

  • you have a minimum of 10 working days recent experience in a school
  • you are prepared for your understanding of current teaching practice and issues in schools to be assessed
  • you have an awareness of multiculturalism and other contexts unique to urban schools
  • you're aware you may be invited to interview based on information given in your application, which you may need to discuss with the interviewer.

Some offers may recommend further school experience if required.

International students and English language requirements

Overseas nationals who already hold an alternative visa in a suitable category or have been granted permission to remain in the UK indefinitely may be considered for admission, but please note that an additional international enhanced police check will be required.

English language requirements

This course has English language requirements over and above those normally required (see Entry Requirements and Section Process above).

To study a postgraduate degree at London Met, you must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. If you require a Student visa you may need to provide the results of a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. This course requires you to meet our standard requirements.

If you need (or wish) to improve your English before starting your degree, the University offers a Pre-sessional Academic English course to help you build your confidence and reach the level of English you require.

Your development will being assessed formatively throughout the course, with regular feedback and feed-forward on next steps for progress. Towards the end of the course your teaching will be assessed in relation to the Teaching Standards for QTS.

In addition, you will complete two major assignments:

  • a Professional Practice Portfolio which is compiled across the year, detailing personal experiences and reflections on your development as a teacher, largely in relation to your practical teaching experience
  • an Educational Research Assignment, which allows you to explore a key educational issue of your choice.

There are no written examinations.

This PGCE with QTS course is authorised by the Department of Education (DfE) and accredited by the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA).

This intensive PGCE leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), which enables you to teach three to seven-year-olds. Our trainees have gone on to secure primary teacher roles at hundreds of schools across London and beyond, including Orchard Primary School in Hackney, Vittoria School In Islington, Stroud Green Primary in Haringey, West Ham CofE Primary in Newham and many more.

If you've already studied your undergraduate degree with us, as a graduate of London Met, you'll be entitled to a 20% discount on any further study with us.
* exclusions apply

Due to the nature of the course, we are not able to offer any accreditation of prior learning for this course.

SFE Funding is available for all postgraduate courses leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), subject to eligibility.

Depending on your teaching subject and degree classification, you may be eligible for a bursary or scholarship of up to £30,000 through the teacher training bursary.

Please note, in addition to the tuition fee there may be additional costs for things like equipment, materials, printing, textbooks, trips or professional body fees.

Additionally, there may be other activities that are not formally part of your course and not required to complete your course, but which you may find helpful (for example, optional field trips). The costs of these are additional to your tuition fee and the fees set out above and will be notified when the activity is being arranged.

  • Ask somebody you trust to check your personal statement, both for accuracy of writing and for focused, relevant content.
  • Ensure that your personal statement addresses your reasons for choosing the exact course, phase or subject specialism. Make sure that all potentially relevant experience is referred to in your statement – if you don’t tell us, we won’t know!
  • Don’t wait until you have passed all relevant qualifications before applying (but make sure you tell us about them – otherwise, again, we won’t know).
  • If your qualifications are from another country, you will have to get an ENIC statement of equivalence.
  • Make sure you have read all the relevant course documentation and requirements before applying.
  • If in doubt, ask!

How to apply

You can apply for all teacher training courses, apart from the assessment-only route, through the Department for Education’s “Apply for teacher training” service.

Select London Metropolitan University (L68) as the training provider and then choose the relevant course. You can also use the following codes:

Training provider code: L68
Course code: X110

When to apply

Please apply as early as possible to maximise your chances of securing a place. The application window opens in early October for courses starting the following September.

Do not wait until you’ve met all the criteria before applying.

If you’re not sure whether you meet the criteria, please do one of the following:

  • Contact us to enquire about the eligibility of your qualifications and experience. We’ll be able to let you know whether the Level 2 Maths certificate that you have is accepted for teacher training, or whether your degree is considered relevant to the secondary course you’re applying for.
  • Apply early and make it clear in your personal statement what steps you propose to take to get the relevant qualifications or experience.

Places are offered on a first come, first served basis. We also operate waiting lists for these courses.

This PGCE course will operate different term dates from the standard university dates, following closely to the pattern of the English school year. It will normally start in early September and run until early July.

As this is a full-time (5 days per week) course, you will need to ensure that you are available for this time period.

Are you from outside the UK? Find out how to apply from your home country

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