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Why study this course?

This bachelor's degree focuses on global banking and financial services, examining the development, significance and challenges of banking and finance in the modern world. If you want a career in global banking in London, one of the world's financial epicentres, look no further.

This course draws on accounting, economics, investment theory, law and management to help you develop the skills needed for a successful career in banking or financial services.

As well as hearing from industry representatives who will give presentations during your course, you’ll also get hands-on experience in the University’s Bloomberg Room, which offers access to the world-leading financial platform and brings real-world economic news, data and analytics to the classroom. You’ll learn to analyse financial markets, value and price financial instruments and employ Bloomberg terminals to assess European and international economies, financial markets and governments.

You’ll also have the chance to further your experience with optional work placement modules. Our careers service can help you find a suitable placement where you can build on your skills and knowledge. You'll be encouraged to undertake extra-curricular activities such as volunteering, entering national business competitions and joining student societies.

81% student satisfaction

Our accounting and finance courses scored 81% for overall student satisfaction in the Complete University Guide 2025

Gain experience with a work placement

We'll help you find a suitable placement where you can build on your skills and knowledge

Get hands-on experience in our Bloomberg Room

Our Bloomberg Room gives you access to the world-leading financial platform, bringing real-world economic news, data and analytics to the classroom

Join our Taster Open Experience Day on Saturday 29 March at 10.30am

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Course modules

The modules listed below are for the academic year 2024/25 and represent the course modules at this time. Modules and module details (including, but not limited to, location and time) are subject to change over time.

Year* 1 modules

Year 2 modules

Year 3 modules

Data Science, Research and Analysis

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Thursday afternoon
spring semester - Wednesday morning

(core, 15 credits)

The Data Science, Research and Analysis module provides a fundamental grounding of basic knowledge of data science and computer software to facilitate the collection, analysis and presentation of accounting data. The module prepares learners for the accounting & finance and related professions. This will be achieved through learning relevant academic and practical skills which will enable learners to succeed academically and develop key workplace research skills. It also provides skills to analyse data, interpret and communicate qualitative/quantitative results in the form of information. Furthermore, the module deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of accounting and financial data through measuring changes and associations of variables.

This module also provides basic skills in gathering and understanding of financial and non-financial data/information to develop complete knowledge of the client business and the environment in which it operates. It develops students’ basic skills and understanding to help them prepare business plans and advise on the actions to implement these plans. The skills developed through the understanding of data science and researching to provide solutions of issues raised in the accounting and finance sectors.

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Financial Accounting

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Monday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Friday morning

(core, 15 credits)

AC4052 is a 15 credit core module which is designed to lay the foundation for understanding the accounting requirements of business organisations for internal and external reporting and decision making. It examines the financial accounting techniques for sole traders and limited companies.

This module aims to:

1. Enable students to understand the underlying principles of the financial accounting processes and to prepare/construct relevant accounting statements
2. Enable students to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of accounting information systems and how they relate to the decision-making aspects of financial accounting statements
3. Enable students to analyse and interpret the financial accounting statements of a limited company
4. Enable students to understand the context of the professional accountancy framework and to enhance their employability skills.

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Introduction to Financial Markets and Institutions

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Tuesday afternoon
autumn semester - Monday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The module focuses on the organisation, structure and functions of financial markets and market participants. It provides the theoretical and practical framework for understanding the operation of financial markets and institutions.

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Management Accounting Fundamentals

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The module hopes to lay the foundation for students to understand the fundamental knowledge and techniques, which underpin management accounting. The module will cover the following salient areas of management accounting:

• Costs and Cost Classification including cost behaviour
• Tools and techniques used in planning, control and decision making
• Short-term decision-making techniques
• Capital Investment Appraisal techniques

The module aims to:

1. Explain the role of management accounting, the classification of costs in relation to output, activity level and decision making.
2. Prepare overhead cost statements in the attempt to work the full cost of products, services and activities.
3. Apply the concept of break-even analysis in short term decision making.
4. Understand short-term decision-making techniques of Make or Buy, Shutdown, Accept/Reject, Pricing etc.
5. Be able to calculate simple variances for cost control.

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Principles of Macroeconomics

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Monday afternoon
spring semester - Friday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The module will introduce students to key themes and theories of macroeconomics, providing a secure foundation for students pursuing specialist degrees in Economics, Business Economics, Banking and Finance, Economics and Finance; Economics, Finance and International Business.

Students will be introduced to the main concepts of macroeconomic theory, national income accounting, simple macroeconomic models and policy issues. The module will look at the role of government in managing the national economy and explain the main determinants of economic growth, short-run fluctuations in economic activity and business cycles, inflation, unemployment, balance of payments and exchange rates. Reference will be made to key macro-economic variables and the relationships between these variables. The underlying theme of this module will be the application of macroeconomic principles and policies to contemporary macroeconomic issues, and the exploration of their relevance in the context of business and finance.

The module also aims to develop a number of transferable skills of students, e.g. communication skills, numeracy, research, analytical and problem-solving skills.

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Principles of Microeconomics

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Monday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The module introduces students to key principles of microeconomics, providing a secure foundation for students pursuing specialist degrees in Economics, Business Economics, Banking and Finance, Economics and Finance; Economics, Finance and International Business.

The module covers the central concepts of microeconomic theory and explores the relevance of these to the operations of businesses including financial services firms. The main themes are the role of markets, individual consumer behaviour, and the operations of individual firms.

The module also aims to develop a number of transferrable skills of students, e.g. communication skills, teamwork, numeracy, analytical, decision-making and problem-solving skills.

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Understanding and Managing Data

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Monday morning
autumn semester - Monday afternoon
autumn semester - Tuesday morning
autumn semester - Tuesday afternoon
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday morning
autumn semester - Thursday afternoon
autumn semester - Friday morning
autumn semester - Friday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

Data analysis is a top business priority. It drives the opportunity for performance improvement and, with advances in technology and software, data are generated at an ever increasing rate. As such, it is not surprising business data analysis and software skills are among the top graduate skills sought by employers today. Understanding and Managing Data, responds to these market demands by providing the underpinning skills required to make effective use of quantitative and statistical analyses and develops students’ interpretation and reporting skills.

The module introduces data-based decision making and performance measurement and provides students with the practical experience of using Excel to transform data into meaningful information. It further introduces students to forecasting, target setting and project management. As such, it provides students with an understanding of the fundamentals of statistical methods for business decision making. In doing so, it provides the skills and knowledge required for levels 5 and 6 modules, including the dissertation and consultancy project, that develop and evaluate the quantitative aspects of business management.

Overall, this module develops the analytical and communication skills relevant to understanding business information, with an emphasis on problem-solving techniques in the context of business management, decision making and performance measurement.

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Understanding the Business and Economic Environment

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Wednesday morning
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The focus of this module is to equip students to understand organisations in contexts past, present and future, and enable them to analyse the macro, micro, internal and external business and economic environments in which they operate. An understanding of the environments will facilitate the interpretation of situations and enable decisions that add value for businesses. The focus of the module is on the external and internal influences on organizations and the effect these have on business practices.
The module is designed to be used by Level 4 undergraduate students on a range of programmes. Examples, illustrations and case studies will be drawn from chosen industry sectors such as advertising, aviation, events, finance, marketing, music, transport, tourism, and applied to reinforce basic concepts. This will enhance the ability of students to understand particular business problems and aspects of the business and economic environment. Topics and case studies will cover business issues that are contemporary and relevant to the real world.

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This module currently runs:
spring semester - Friday afternoon
spring semester - Friday morning

(core, 15 credits)

The aim of this module is to provide rigorous training in the modern theory of investment and capital markets and a good understanding of their central concepts.
This module provides a theoretical and practical framework for understanding the relationship between markets and corporations and the interactions between them. The module critically explores the current theoretical perspectives and specifically considers their practical application in relation to investment strategies and corporate decision making.
The contents of the module cover financial markets and instruments, financial investment strategies, the valuation of securities and derivatives, bond portfolio immunisation, risk and return, and the evaluation of investment performance.
Analysis of theories in finance and investment and financial models includes the Efficient Market Hypothesis, Portfolio Theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory and the Dividend Valuation Model.
The module provides a thorough knowledge of investment and guides students on assessing risks and managing risks for businesses and investments. The module builds up the strong quantitative, written, critical and analytical skills required for employment in the finance industry.
A blended teaching and learning approach may include the use of websites, videos, guest talks from industry and support for employability enhancing classroom activities.
Bloomberg may be used to deliver teaching sessions in seminars.

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This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Monday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The module enables the appreciation of the nature of the contexts in which lending can be seen to be operating. It enables the development of expertise in the use of software that may include Excel and Bloomberg to evaluate borrower creditworthiness. It provides the theoretical and practical framework for analysing and evaluating the principles and practices of lending. It focuses on credit granting, credit evaluation, credit monitoring and ensuring adequate controls over credit risk.

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Principles of Econometrics

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Thursday morning

(core, 15 credits)

This module provides a foundation in statistical methods and analysis and focuses on econometrics. It examines the theory and application of the Classical Linear Regression Model (CLRM), providing a firm grounding in the theory of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and an appreciation of its limitations. It provides a theoretical understanding of the causes, consequences and detection of, and remedies for, the violation of the assumptions of the classical linear regression model. It develops knowledge and skills to use standard statistical/econometric software packages (e.g. EViews) and apply techniques to economics, finance and banking problems and models.

The module provides students with the knowledge and skills to evaluate empirical work within economics, finance and banking.

A range of transferable and subject specific skills are developed, in particular: self- assessment and reflection; peer assessment; written; IT; subject research; problem solving; data and quantitative analysis; analytical and critical thinking.

Equality is promoted by treating everyone with equal dignity and worth, while also raising aspirations and supporting achievement for people with diverse requirements, entitlements and background.

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Principles of Finance

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Tuesday morning
autumn semester - Tuesday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The module is designed to introduce students to the basic theory of finance and to apply the theory to the selection and management of financial and investments portfolio. The module will help students to understand theories of finance to develop the skills of valuing investments and critically evaluate the frameworks for pricing securities, risks and reward relationship.

Furthermore, you will be introduced to various aspects of finance such as financial markets, instruments, concepts, and the institutional arrangements relating to the issuances and trading of various capital market securities.

This core module aims to enable students to:

1) understand the basic theory of finance and develop the skills of valuing investment

2) critically evaluate the conceptual frameworks for pricing securities;

3) undertake a written critical review of contemporary theories in finance.

4) calculate risk and return and establish the relationship between risk and return.

5) recognise the investment environment and for making investment decisions.

The module also aims to help students in the development of the following skills:

. academic writing;
. researching
. critical review of empirical data
. analysis of economic financial data;
. problem solving skills and decision making
. quantitative problem-solving and decision-making;
. self-assessment and reflection.

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Problem Solving: Methods and Analysis

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday afternoon
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Friday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

This module aims to develop students’ ability to understand and apply problem solving methods and analysis in relation to issues that may arise in business and management subject areas.

The module offers an opportunity for students to collect, present, analyse and interpret qualitative and quantitative data from a variety of data sources such as ONS and other sources. It seeks to enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of the business environment and develop their data management and data analysis skills using IT packages as appropriate.

The module provides the quantitative and qualitative data analysis skills that underpin the success of an empirical research project. This module helps to build the sound foundation required to undertake a final year project / dissertation module.

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Creating a Winning Business 1

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday morning
autumn semester - Thursday afternoon
autumn semester - Friday morning
autumn semester - Friday afternoon
spring semester - Wednesday morning
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Friday afternoon
spring semester - Friday afternoon

(alternative core, 15 credits)

The University has a policy that undergraduate students must, take a Work Based Learning (WBL) module i.e. a module which requires them to directly experience and operate in the real world of work and to reflect on that episode in order to identify skill and knowledge areas that they need to develop for their career.

This module challenges students to be creative in identifying a new business opportunity and in examining the viability of all aspects of the idea in the real-world context e.g.

  • Supporting an existing small business to understand how a business runs
  • Respond to small business’s client briefs
  • Testing potential customers’ views.

As a result of client brief and feedback, business concepts and/or ideas will develop over the duration of the module.

The QAA Benchmark on Business and Management (2019) emphasises the attribute of “entrepreneurship” and of “the value of real-world learning”. In terms of promoting work related skills, the module specifically focuses on practical techniques for responding to client briefs in evaluating and developing business ideas and so develops creative yet practical thinking.

In addition, it requires students to examine market potential and prepare a presentation of their findings assuming the role of a business consultant. The module requires a high level of self-reliance to explore the business idea based on a client brief. Students develop an understanding of the role of business start-ups, business growth and development.

These skills and techniques are of practical relevance to anyone considering developing a business, working for a Small or Medium sized Enterprise (SME) or taking on an intrapreneurial role within a larger organisation where the business environment is constantly evolving and producing new challenges and opportunities.

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Learning through Work

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday morning
autumn semester - Thursday afternoon
autumn semester - Friday morning
autumn semester - Friday afternoon
spring semester - Wednesday morning
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday afternoon
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Friday afternoon
spring semester - Friday afternoon

(alternative core, 15 credits)

This Work Based Learning module enables students to undertake a short period of professional activity either: part-time/vacation employment; work placement; not-for-profit sector volunteering or a professional/employer led project.

Work Based Learning modules are designed to enhance students’ personal and professional development and assist in preparing students for their future careers. The module aims to facilitate application and progression of knowledge and skills gained via the learner’s studies and wider life experience. Students will be introduced to a range of professional skills and techniques, including: reflective self-assessment; preparation for employment; being a critical employee and developing approaches for co-operative and collaborative working.

• Students will be contacted prior to the semester to provide support in securing work based activity in good time.
• It is a student's responsibility to apply for opportunities and to engage with the Work Based Learning team to assist them.
• The suitability of any opportunities will be assessed by the Module Team and all roles must meet the Health and Safety requirements for Higher Education Work Placements.
• Learners may be able to utilise existing employment, providing they can demonstrate it is personally developmental and involves a relevant level of responsibility.
• In addition, students may be able to complete the Work Based Learning hours during the summer prior to the academic year a student is taking the module.
• Tier 4 International students will be required to submit weekly timesheets for the hours undertaken for the work based learning activity to meet the requirements of their visa. These will need to be signed by their line manager/supervisor.

The module aims to enable students to:
• Effectively express and understand their current skills and abilities in relation to their career values and goals.
• Practically apply the knowledge gained through their course programme to a work environment.
• Gain an in-depth insight of a work environment
• Make a positive contribution to the employing organisation and demonstrate inclusive workplace practice.
• Recognise their personal and professional development learning and apply to their future goals.

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Applied Macroeconomics

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Tuesday afternoon

(option, 15 credits)

This module develops the student’s understanding of economic policy formation using the foundations of macroeconomic theory.

The module aims to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of key macroeconomic policy alternatives that have been discussed and applied in the rapidly changing UK economy during the last fifty years.

Starting with a review of the changes in the UK economic structure over the last 50 years, the market context within which government economic policy operates is explained. This covers the role of SME’s and the larger companies, the multinational corporations, in the UK and their part in the overall production and distributive processes. This includes a review of the evolving nature of government supervision and regulation of the ‘competitive framework’ and the pricing processes. The aims and consequences of privatisation and the notions of ‘deregulation’ are evaluated as a major arm of ‘supply side’ economic philosophy.

The module proceeds to develop an understanding of the competing and apparently conflicting policy goals pursued in recent times. These challenges are related to the theoretical explanations offered by different players in the economic scene. The actual patterns of consumption, saving and investment are examined so to explain the management of state debt through budgetary policies, and the alternative approach to economic management through monetary policy. Public spending and taxation policy are reviewed in relation to monetary policy in recent times, with an investigation into increasing pressures to return to expanding fiscal policy as a central tool of economic management from 2000, and especially after the 2008 Financial and 2020 Covid19 ‘shocks’.

The outcomes of policies in terms of the consequences for employment, the structure of the labour market, wage movements and price stability, along with the role of the imbalances in the international payments position and the results for the sterling exchange rate are examined and evaluated.

Students are encouraged to reflect and draw on their own different backgrounds and experiences in different economies (international and regional) during class discussions and to relate these experiences to the economic concepts and principles used in the module.

The core topics of the module provide the student with the basic understanding of the debates over economic policy since the start of the new millennium, and the value of concepts such as ‘equilibrium’, and ‘cyclical expectations’. This is further developed throughout by considering the impact of membership of the European Union and the current process of withdrawal from that Union.

Finally, we consider extensions to the above areas of investigation by covering topics such as the broader and future role of international trade and investment in the development of the UK economy and the importance of the ‘global’ economy as the vital context of operations.

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Company and Business Law

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Thursday afternoon

(option, 15 credits)

This Company and Business Law module aims to expose students to the advantages and costs of forming limited liability companies. The module also empowers students to analyse and appreciate the regulatory framework around company activity. Students will be able to analyse most company activity from the point of view of creditors, especially during insolvency. The module also deals with aspects of Employment Law especially the employee-employee relationship.
Accordingly, students’ knowledge and analytical skills in the area of company and business law will be greatly enhanced.

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Developing Inclusive Organisations

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Monday morning
autumn semester - Monday afternoon
autumn semester - Tuesday morning
autumn semester - Tuesday afternoon

(option, 15 credits)

We live in a more diverse society than ever before. Structural changes in labour markets have led to increasing numbers of women, older workers and disabled people in employment, with fewer younger people in many industrialised economies. Globalisation and migration has also lead to greater ethnic diversity. We are also clear about the business for diverse workforces, and the benefits this can bring to society.

However, there is a question as to whether a diverse workforce always equals inclusion. There is evidence that many of these groups are marginalised and face employment disadvantages in practice. The aim of this module is to illuminate some of the inequalities experienced by these groups, and then to examine theoretical perspectives helping explain these and provide insights into how these can be better remedied in practice.

Whilst arguably the principles of inclusion transcend the protected characteristics (Equality Act, 2010), it is clear that these groups tend to suffer more inequalities in the workplace than others (despite law that protects against this). This module will therefore look at the meaning of inclusion and how it differs from concepts of equality and diversity – what it adds and where it might be lacking. We will examine closely the different dimensions of diversity (gender, age, race/ethnicity and so forth) in order to understand the specific barriers these groups experience, and what methods organisations can develop to ensure more inclusive workplaces – so that everyone feels valued regardless of identity or background.

A broader aim of the module is to provide students with an opportunity to ‘step into the shoes’ of diverse marginalised groups and the specific barriers they face, so they are better prepared to identify and promote inclusive workplaces, as social justice champions of our future. This is something our society needs and London Metropolitan University is passionate about developing – values driven graduates who make a positive contribution to the world (see Strategic Plan).

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International Business

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Tuesday afternoon

(option, 15 credits)

This module enables students to understand and analyse the dynamics of international business operations and management; strategic issues and evolving world markets. The module explores the decision-making process behind the organisation and management of operations and resources within a global context.

International economic issues influence the formulation of trade and investment policies as well as business strategies. In recent years dramatic economic changes are arising on account of factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic, Brexit and the growing role played by emerging economies. The aim of this module is to give students a strong understanding of key theories, policies and issues which will be analysed in the light of current international debates.

This module provides opportunities for developing the student’s strategic thinking, understanding, analysis and assessment of a range of topical issues challenging international businesses in the global economy.

While the balance of geopolitical influences is tilting and the role and intervention of global institutions are being challenged, the business community still sees major economic groupings like Europe’s single market as useful launchpads to internationalisation. Hence, the module examines economic integration and trading blocs with a particular focus on the European Union (EU). The UK and EU competition policy will also be examined.

Using economic theories, the module aims to explain the development of international business, the globalisation process and challenges and debate.

The module also aims to develop students' employability skills, in particular: subject research; problem solving and application; academic writing; academic reading and critical thinking, evaluation, analysis and reflection.

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Sustainability, Business and Responsibility

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Monday morning
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon
spring semester - Wednesday morning

(option, 15 credits)

This module will address the critical issue of how current thinking on climate change and sustainability will impact on businesses and organisation. The need to create more sustainable organisations and businesses is fundamental to current and future organisational development strategies. It is necessary for students to understand the growing influence of the sustainability agenda on industry. This influence takes on many forms, from government policies and international agreements to the measuring the impacts of organisational practices on the ecology and communities. In the future, organisations, businesses, communities and individuals will be expected to understand and take responsibility for their economic, environmental and social impacts. This module will examine the current and future challenges. It will equip students to deal with the challenge of creating sustainable forms of business that operate within ecological and socio-economic limits.

It will explore the sustainability context, and how business practices will need to evolve to reflect the realities of operating within a globalised trading system that is striving to apply sustainability principles.

The overarching aim of the module is to ensure that students develop a full understanding of what is meant by sustainability, who decides what constitutes sustainability principles and how these principles are applied. It will explore the varied tools and techniques used to apply sustainability principles, by governments, business and communities, and the challenges and conflicts these present. Such appreciation will be developed progressively via more specific aims which are:

  1. To engage with the growing international debate and practice around sustainability, business and corporate social responsibility (CSR).
  2. To evaluate how this will challenge organisations and business.
  3. To examine tools and techniques for evaluating and implementing of sustainability
  4. To analyse the evolving policy frameworks within which business operates.
  5. To understand how changing environmental realities may affect business practice.

The module also aims to assist students in the acquisition of the following skills:
1. Academic reading
2. Researching
3. Problem-solving and decision making
4. Critical thinking and writing
5. Application of knowledge and presenting data
6. Academic writing

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(core, 30 credits)

This module aims to enable students to complete a research focused dissertation on a chosen topic or issue appropriate to their undergraduate degree. Students are required to reflect on relevant research questions, theoretical concepts/hypotheses, prior literature, ethical approaches, research methodologies and data analyses in an independent and disciplined manner. Students are expected to develop an in-depth understanding of their chosen research topics, research methods/approaches and the ability to appropriately seek out data samples required for research in a selected topic. The module aims to develop analytical, critical thinking, referencing and time management skills in independently undertaking and reporting on a research project.

Financial Engineering

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Monday afternoon
spring semester - Monday morning

(core, 15 credits)

The aims of this module are to provide students with the use of a wide range and in-depth knowledge of the major exchange-traded and over-the-counter traded financial instruments to construct financial products and manage financial risk.

The module discusses the characteristics, pricing and valuation, terminologies and application of financial innovation to create the structured products in derivative markets.

Students will further develop an understanding of the use of the financial instruments as investment vehicles, hedging tools, arbitrage mechanisms, and speculative instruments. Students will further develop skills for data collection and analysis utilising software systems such as Bloomberg and spreadsheets.

A blended teaching and learning approach includes the use of websites, videos, guest talks from industry and support for employability enhancing classroom activities.
Bloomberg may be used to deliver teaching sessions.

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Financial Instruments

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Wednesday morning

(core, 15 credits)

This module aims to provide students with a knowledge of the trading of the major exchange-traded and over-the-counter traded financial products and develop an understanding of their use as investment vehicles, hedging tools, engineered products, arbitrage mechanisms, and speculative instruments.
The module discusses the characteristics, pricing and valuation of the fundamental instruments, terminologies and contract specifications for the trading of those financial instruments in both cash markets and derivative markets. The module evaluates the relationship between cash instruments and financial instruments, identifies the risk exposure on investments and explores the use of financial derivatives for risk hedging.
Students will also develop skills for data collection and analysis which may include the use of Bloomberg and MS Excel spreadsheets.

A blended teaching and learning approach includes the use of websites, videos, guest talks from industry and support for employability enhancing classroom activities.
The financial market Lab Bloomberg may be used to deliver teaching sessions.

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Financial and Economic Modelling

(core, 15 credits)

The module develops the students’ understanding of financial and economic modelling using the foundations of econometrics and financial data analysis introduced within the teaching at earlier levels. It provides an in-depth understanding of a wide variety of financial and economic models and their implications by using statistical and econometric software such as EViews. The knowledge and skills embedded within the module are designed to assist students in their efforts to design, undertake and evaluate empirical studies within the field of banking, finance and economics.

International Banking

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Tuesday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The module aims to provide an in-depth understanding of theoretical and applied issues in relation to the activities of international banks. The module focuses on main theories of banking and provides an overview of the crucial operations in the context of international banking. It also seeks to provide students with a critical awareness of different approaches of assessing bank risk and performance and how they are used in practice by shareholders, investors and financial and banking experts.

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Financial Management

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Thursday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday morning

(option, 15 credits)

The module is designed to develop students’ knowledge and critical understanding of the use of financial management. It will also explore the theoretical models, analytical methods and practical aspects of corporate investment and financial decisions making in a competitive business environment and a dynamic capital market.

The principal aims of this module are to:

  1. Apply knowledge, understanding and skills learnt at levels 4 and 5 to appreciate the wider picture - essentially taking a strategic standpoint and thereby providing an appropriate foundation for higher studies;
  2. Evaluate financial and non-financial evidence including arguments and assumptions in order to reach objective conclusions;
  3. Display the accountant’s need to remain innovative and play a pivotal part in the management of change in organisations, which is increasingly becoming a corporate requirement;
  4. Develop students’ skills, in particular, those relating to the analysis and presentation of data; critical thinking, writing and problem-solving.
  5. To determine the interconnections between investment decisions, financing decisions and distribution decisions in the form of dividends.

The module also aims to help students in the development of the following skills:

. analysis and presentation of data;
. critical thinking, writing and problem-solving;
. study skills such as critical reflection, time management and self-awareness.

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International Trade and Finance

(option, 15 credits)

This module introduces students to the fundamental aspects of the theories of international trade and finance, policy analysis and the controversies that surround these activities. It will examine the costs and benefits of these two fundamental activities in the global economy and consider the extent to which government policies in these areas can improve economic outcomes. The module will draw on up-to-date analyses and empirical studies and will examine theoretical and contemporary policy issues in this regard in the international economy.

The module also aims to develop a number of transferable skills of students, e.g. oral and written communication skills, research, quantitative, analytical and problem-solving skills.

Personal Finance

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon

(option, 15 credits)

This module has been nationally promoted by the UK financial regulator the Financial Services Authority (FSA), [now Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)], as a ‘unique idea’ in their ‘National Strategy for Financial Capability in Higher Education’ (2009), and disseminated to all universities as an exemplar for raising student interest, expertise and enthusiasm in personal finance. FSA refers to London Metropolitan University as one of only four universities awarded the FSA Curriculum Development Grant for “unique ideas” put forward for the creation of a financial capability module, the unique idea for this University being the innovative Competency Based Action Learning (CoBAL) curriculum which is the outcome of doctoral level research conducted in collaboration with real-world organisations such as the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE), the FSA, and the National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy (NRDC).

The module underlines the role personal judgement plays in personal finance, and the many perspectives that inform personal judgement, enabling the student to formulate and employ Action Learning strategies for the development of knowledge, skill and attitudinal competencies in personal finance, and for increased ability and confidence in dealing with the complexities of making financial decisions in the five domains of financial capability identified by the FSA.

This is an Extension of Knowledge (EoK) module which any student on any course in the University is able to take as an option module subject to their course incorporating a relevant slot in their course structure. The module’s EOK status recognises the need for students of all subjects to have a good grasp of Personal Finance.

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Practising Business Strategy (with simulation)

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Monday morning
spring semester - Monday afternoon
spring semester - Tuesday morning
spring semester - Tuesday afternoon
spring semester - Wednesday morning
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon

(option, 15 credits)

Strategy is a crucial subject, concerned with the development, success and failure of all kinds of organisations, from multinationals to entrepreneurial start-ups, from charities to government agencies, and many others. Accordingly, strategy constitutes a key element of all professional business and management qualifications.

It equips aspiring managers and leaders with the knowledge, skills and techniques required to critically analyse contemporary organisations within changing environments nationally and globally; to formulate, evaluate and defend realistic and creative proposals for future strategic direction; and to plan for the effective implementation of the strategy selected.

Overall, the module aims to:

• Develop the knowledge and understanding to critically apply a range of practical strategic management tools for strategic analysis, choice-making and implementation across public, private and not-for-profit organisations of all sizes across all sectors;

• Enable students to translate their analysis of contemporary organisations and contexts into persuasive, creative and realistic proposals for an organisation’s future strategic direction;

• Enable students to apply structured insight into the realities of an organisation’s internal and external context in order to develop implementation plans which help maximise achievement of strategic objectives; and

• Enhance student employability by developing transferable skills such as research, analysis, evaluation, decision-making, presenting data and influencing others across different cultures, within both existing organisations and entrepreneurial start-ups.

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Professional Experience Year Placement

This module currently runs:
all year (September start)

(option, 30 credits)

The Professional Experience Year Placement is a Work Based Learning module designed to intensively develop student employability and increase career prospects upon graduation. The placement year requires learners to undertake a minimum of 44 weeks full-time employment relating to their studies and career goals. This comprehensive experience will facilitate application and progression of knowledge and skills gained via the degree programme any previous employment and wider life experience.

This ‘Year in Industry’ work based learning module is undertaken as an additional 30 credits between Levels 5 and 6, extending undergraduate course programmes to four years. The module provides an additional 30 credits to a degree programme, commencing in the summer following completion of Level 5. Students will retain student status during the year and complete their final, fourth year of study following the placement year.

Pre-placement preparation support over six months prior, will guide and assist students in their search for an appropriate placement role. Careers Consultants will provide guidance prior to the module to assist decision making in considering placement options and post placement, for career planning post-graduation. Students will only register on the module once they have secured a placement.

During the placement year, students will be supported remotely by Placement Tutors who will provide guidance on application of theoretical knowledge in a practical context, analysis of business problems and proposing solutions; identifying and articulating transferable skills and knowledge developed to meet the assessment requirements. Students will be expected to demonstrate improved understanding of their abilities and career goals, knowledge of the workplace organisation, co-operative and collaborative working and professional awareness through reflective learning.

It is a student's responsibility to apply for opportunities and to engage with the Work Based Learning team to assist them. The suitability of any opportunities will be assessed by the Module Team and all roles must meet the Health and Safety requirements for Higher Education Work Placements. Tier 4 International students will be required to submit weekly timesheets for the hours undertaken for the work based learning activity to meet their visa requirements. These will need to be signed by their line manager/supervisor.

The module aims to enable students to:

  • Effectively express and understand their current skills and abilities in relation to their career values and goals.
  • Practically apply the knowledge gained through their course programme to a related work environment.
  • Gaining comprehensive insight into a work environment.
  • Make a positive contribution to the employing organisation and demonstrate inclusive workplace practices.
  • Recognise their personal and professional development gains and apply to their future goals.
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Course details

In addition to the University's standard entry requirements, you should have:

  • a minimum of grades CCC in three A levels in academic or business subjects (or a minimum of 96 UCAS points from an equivalent Level 3 qualification, eg BTEC National, OCR Diploma or Advanced Diploma)
  • English Language GCSE at grade C/4 or above (or equivalent)

If you don't have traditional qualifications or can't meet the entry requirements for this undergraduate degree, you may still be able to gain entry by completing our Banking and Finance (including foundation year) BSc (Hons) degree.

Accelerated study

If you have relevant qualifications or credit from a similar course it may be possible to enter this course at an advanced stage rather than beginning in the first year. Please note, advanced entry is only available for September start. See our information for students applying for advanced entry.

Accreditation of Prior Learning

Any university-level qualifications or relevant experience you gain prior to starting university could count towards your course at London Met. Find out more about applying for Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL).

English language requirements

To study a degree at London Met, you must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. If you require a Student visa (previously Tier 4) you may need to provide the results of a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. This course requires you to meet our standard requirements.

If you need (or wish) to improve your English before starting your degree, the University offers a Pre-sessional Academic English course to help you build your confidence and reach the level of English you require.

You'll be assessed through essays, coursework assignments, individual and group research projects, exams and a final-year dissertation.

On graduating, you’ll be equipped to pursue a career in a number of sectors related to banking and investment, such as financial regulation, insurance or accounting. This course is also excellent preparation for postgraduate study.

Our previous graduates have gone into finance roles at companies such as City Credit Capital, Honda Finance and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

If you study your undergraduate degree with us, as a graduate of London Met, you'll be entitled to a 20% discount on a postgraduate course if you continue your studies with us.
* exclusions apply

Please note, in addition to the tuition fee there may be additional costs for things such as equipment, materials, printing, textbooks, trips or professional body fees.

Additionally, there may be other activities that are not formally part of your course and not required to complete your course, but which you may find helpful (for example, optional field trips). The costs of these are additional to your tuition fee and the fees set out above and will be notified when the activity is being arranged.

Discover Uni – key statistics about this course

Discover Uni is an official source of information about university and college courses across the UK. The widget below draws data from the corresponding course on the Discover Uni website, which is compiled from national surveys and data collected from universities and colleges. If a course is taught both full-time and part-time, information for each mode of study will be displayed here.

How to apply

If you're a UK applicant wanting to study full-time starting in September, you must apply via UCAS unless otherwise specified. If you're an international applicant wanting to study full-time, you can choose to apply via UCAS or directly to the University.

If you're applying for part-time study, you should apply directly to the University. If you require a Student visa, please be aware that you will not be able to study as a part-time student at undergraduate level.

If you're applying for a degree starting in January/February, you can apply directly to the University.

When to apply

The University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) accepts applications for full-time courses starting in September from one year before the start of the course. Our UCAS institution code is L68.

If you will be applying direct to the University you are advised to apply as early as possible as we will only be able to consider your application if there are places available on the course.

To find out when teaching for this degree will begin, as well as welcome week and any induction activities, view our academic term dates.

Are you from outside the UK? Find out how to apply from your home country

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