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Why study this course?

On this course you'll explore key marketing theories and learn to challenge existing concepts. The knowledge and skills you'll gain will help you to build a career in marketing and business or other managerial roles.

You'll also have the opportunity to study for a professional marketing qualification from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), enabling you to apply your knowledge in a work environment.

This Marketing BA degree will help you develop an extensive understanding of marketing through a combination of academic teaching and practical training. Throughout the course you'll critically engage with theory and apply your knowledge to real-world marketing challenges.

The course is taught by experts in marketing, who will bring the workplace into the classroom with industry insights and contemporary business cases that mirror the rapidly changing environment of the industry. Guest speakers from a wide range of industries will support the delivery of the programme and enhance your learning experience.

We've designed the course according to the needs of the industry and to prepare you for a successful career in marketing. You'll experience the industry environment through work placement modules, such as Learning Through Work or Creating a Winning Business. There you’ll gain capabilities such as problem solving, critical self-reflection and other industry related skills. We also facilitate language modules to support your international career aspirations.

After graduation you'll be able to take several routes into a career in marketing. You'll be able to work in a large organisation as part of a specialised graduate scheme or begin your career in a smaller organisation where you can gain a broad appreciation of marketing.

Bring the workplace to the classroom

This course is taught by experts in marketing, who will enhance your learning experience through industry insights and contemporary business cases

Become accredited by the Chartered Institute of Marketing

You will have the opportunity to apply for accreditation from the Chartered Institute of Marketing

Industry experienced guest speakers

Guest speakers from a variety industries share their knowledge to enhance your learning experience

Join our Taster Open Experience Day on Saturday 29 March at 10.30am

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Course modules

The modules listed below are for the academic year 2024/25 and represent the course modules at this time. Modules and module details (including, but not limited to, location and time) are subject to change over time.

Year* 1 modules

Year 2 modules

Year 3 modules

Learning Through Organisations

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Tuesday morning
spring semester - Tuesday afternoon
spring semester - Wednesday morning
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

This Professional Practice module will enhance the students’ understanding of what it means to be a business professional. This module will support the preparation for their future career by encouraging them to develop, put into practice and evidence the skills and behaviours that employers want to see.

The ‘Professional Practice’ approach ensures that as a developing professional the students understand how to learn effectively and efficiently either in the workplace or in a simulated context. They also learn how to use all the resources available to reflect on their progress. This module involves planning, conducting and reflecting on their own ‘performance episodes*’ and a more general reflection on their overall professional development to date. The written reports and reflections become part of their growth and productivity E-portfolio** which they will maintain throughout their programme.

In addition, they will have the opportunity to test, review and evidence their skills development via the on-line resources provided throughout the programme, which support the general skills required by employers. As such this module aims to,

1. Build understanding of the expected workplace knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes so that they become intrinsic performance and growth motivators.

2. Ensure the adoption of skills, attitudes and behaviours that improve self-awareness to aid reflective practice.

*A performance episode is defined as an initiative that the students take, made up of tasks, which develops their skills, and which involves both selecting knowledge from the programme and interacting with others. It must be measurable so that they are able to reflect on their professional skills development.

** The growth and productivity E-portfolio is a digital internet-based tool within which they will store all evidence of their Weekly via learning log, feedback from stakeholders, their reflections. It allows them to share their journey with others and to organise elements of it to help them progress further.

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Managing People in Organisations

This module currently runs:
all year (September start)
all year (September start)
autumn semester
spring semester - Monday morning
spring semester - Monday afternoon
spring semester - Tuesday morning
spring semester - Tuesday afternoon
spring semester - Wednesday morning
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday afternoon
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Friday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

This module provides an introduction to the management of people in organisations, or as it is commonly known ‘Human Resource Management’. It is aimed at students from a variety of disciplines, and not just those looking to pursue a career in HRM. Ultimately, the management of people is often the responsibility of line managers and supervisors so it is important that all graduates of Guildhall School of Business and Law are equipped with the knowledge and skills to implement this effectively in practice. This module will take a critical perspective, illuminating to students not only the ways ‘good’ people management can contribute to performance and employee well-being but also the potential problems implementing this in practice.

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Media Culture and Society

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Monday afternoon
autumn semester - Friday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

In an age of mass communication we are constantly bombarded by messages through advertising, content marketing, editorial, programming and other forms via the press, television, radio, film, music and the internet.

As such, the media is a powerful dynamic force and cuts through gender, class, race, creed, and nationality to form bonds between groups of people who may exist in totally different circles, potentially bringing us closer to a global culture. Social & cultural values are largely shaped and reflected by the consumption of media and this module seeks to provide students with an insight into the media industry and also act as introduction to models and tools designed to enable them to engage in a more deeply informed debate on this constantly changing subject.

The module aims to introduce students to the nature and make-up of the media industry and undertakes a critical examination of the role of culture and society in determining its development. It will examine both traditional and new media/digital platforms as part of a wider analysis of its influence on culture & society. Additionally the module aims to provide an introduction to the learning strategies that students will need to successfully study in higher education.

The module also aims to assist students in the acquisition and development of the following skills:

1. Academic Reading
2. Research
3. Application of Knowledge and Presenting Data
4. Communicating/presenting – orally & collaborating / working with others
5. Critical Thinking and academic Writing
6. Self- assessment/reflection

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Practice of Marketing

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Monday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
autumn semester - Friday afternoon
autumn semester - Friday morning

(core, 15 credits)

The module aims to provide an understanding of the theories of marketing and the practical application of the tactical tools of marketing in contemporary and technology driven organisations at local, national, regional and in a global context. In this module, students explore how different types of organisations deploy the marketing mix tools to implement their marketing strategy and to develop a competitive edge.

The module aims to:

● Provide an understanding of the theories involved in creating and delivering value to customers using the tactical tools of marketing.
● Explore the practical application of the marketing mix in product/services, public sector/non-profit sectors marketing.
● Develop students’ academic writing, application of knowledge and interpreting data skills.
● Develop students’ researching and analysing skills.

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Principles of Management

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Monday morning
autumn semester - Monday afternoon
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday morning
autumn semester - Thursday afternoon
autumn semester - Friday morning
autumn semester - Friday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The focus of this module is management and the development of students as managers. Managers are crucial to getting things done, for example, they plan, organise, lead and coordinate the work of others in order to meet organisational goals efficiently and effectively. The challenges of managing in today’s ever-changing, increasingly uncertain, complex economic environment requires managers to have the knowledge, ability and skills to take action, such as managing information, delegating tasks, setting goals, building teams, motivating others and, along with numerous other activities, achieve organisational success.

The traditional view of the purpose and role of management in the world of work was to seek stability and efficiency in a top-down hierarchy aimed at achieving bottom-line results. In contrast, the contemporary management approach expects managers to engage in motivating people and harnessing their creativity, sharing information and power, leading change, and finding shared vision and values in an increasingly diverse and complex workplace.

Today’s managers require the knowledge and ability to draw on both traditional and contemporary approaches to management when formulating workplace decisions. They also need the skills, tools, and techniques to manage their own career trajectory based on the acquisition of sound employability skills and accompanying behaviours.

In addition to knowledge, the module focuses on developing students as managers
which involves the ability to interact with, and motivate, a diverse range of people.
The module aims are to:

  • enable students to identify and explain major developments in the history of managerial thought;
  • provide students with the opportunity to develop management, leadership and employability capability to enhance their individual potential;
  • develop students appreciation of the different management approaches that can be used when managing in uncertain and complex environments;
  • enable students to develop their management and employability skills, such as critical thinking and writing, interpersonal skills, self-management, communication, team-working, problem solving, and presentation skills, in order to maximise their competitive edge in the business world.
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Principles of Marketing

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Monday morning
spring semester - Monday afternoon
spring semester - Tuesday afternoon
spring semester - Wednesday morning
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Friday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The module aims to provide an understanding of the marketing process in contemporary organisations and in the context of tangible goods and services. The service sector accounts for a significant proportion of GDP and employment in most developed economies and therefore it becomes essential for students to gain insight within the area. In this module, students are introduced to a range of marketing theories such as the marketing concept, consumer behaviour, business environmental analysis, marketing research, consumer insights applicable to tangible goods and services marketing.

The module aims to:
● Provide an understanding of the theoretical foundations and practical application of marketing
● Provide an appreciation of contemporary issues in marketing.
● Develop students’ academic writing, application of knowledge and data interpreting skills.
● Develop students’ researching and analysing skills.

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Understanding and Managing Data

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Monday morning
autumn semester - Monday afternoon
autumn semester - Tuesday morning
autumn semester - Tuesday afternoon
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday morning
autumn semester - Thursday afternoon
autumn semester - Friday morning
autumn semester - Friday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

Data analysis is a top business priority. It drives the opportunity for performance improvement and, with advances in technology and software, data are generated at an ever increasing rate. As such, it is not surprising business data analysis and software skills are among the top graduate skills sought by employers today. Understanding and Managing Data, responds to these market demands by providing the underpinning skills required to make effective use of quantitative and statistical analyses and develops students’ interpretation and reporting skills.

The module introduces data-based decision making and performance measurement and provides students with the practical experience of using Excel to transform data into meaningful information. It further introduces students to forecasting, target setting and project management. As such, it provides students with an understanding of the fundamentals of statistical methods for business decision making. In doing so, it provides the skills and knowledge required for levels 5 and 6 modules, including the dissertation and consultancy project, that develop and evaluate the quantitative aspects of business management.

Overall, this module develops the analytical and communication skills relevant to understanding business information, with an emphasis on problem-solving techniques in the context of business management, decision making and performance measurement.

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Understanding the Business and Economic Environment

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Wednesday morning
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The focus of this module is to equip students to understand organisations in contexts past, present and future, and enable them to analyse the macro, micro, internal and external business and economic environments in which they operate. An understanding of the environments will facilitate the interpretation of situations and enable decisions that add value for businesses. The focus of the module is on the external and internal influences on organizations and the effect these have on business practices.
The module is designed to be used by Level 4 undergraduate students on a range of programmes. Examples, illustrations and case studies will be drawn from chosen industry sectors such as advertising, aviation, events, finance, marketing, music, transport, tourism, and applied to reinforce basic concepts. This will enhance the ability of students to understand particular business problems and aspects of the business and economic environment. Topics and case studies will cover business issues that are contemporary and relevant to the real world.

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Business to Business Marketing and Sales

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Friday morning

(core, 15 credits)

This module looks at marketing challenges and specifically those facing businesses that serve the needs of organisations rather than households. ‘ Business to Business Marketing’ is a substantial, exciting and lucrative area. This module is used as a platform to help students understand the complexities of the business to business marketplace, Supply Chain Management, B2B Sales Management, Key Account Management, and other business marketing related fields of interest.

‘Business Marketing’ is a managerial process that facilitates the exchange of goods and services between organisations. The aim is to focus on key aspects such as manufacture, process, creating client value, negotiation, exchange and/or the supply of parts or finished products so that these are passed on to the next stage in the supply chain. This module looks at how each stage adds value, how vertical collaborations help create value, and how relationships can create and maintain market advantages. Business to business trade is a complex, risky and uncertain process. It requires strong business relations and links, good negotiating skills, some degree of bargaining power but most importantly a detailed knowledge of marketing.

‘Business Marketing’ offers a comprehensive introduction to the main theoretical and practical concepts of Business to Business Marketing including Sales organisation and management. The module looks at the connection between the different stages along the supply chain and how products are traded and handled between businesses before they reach the end consumer. ‘Business Marketing’ aims to also cover the complexities of buying and selling, and how marketing plays a vital role in creating and maintaining long lasting businesses relationships. The module additionally provides a rationale for allowing third parties to gain control of one’s vital marketing operations and functions.

Module aims to:

• explore the important and complex business processes many firms require to go through when firm to firm trade is initiated and developed, and look at the significance of Sales and Key Account Management to capitalise on marketing opportunities.

• examine supply chains and explain why products need to pass through a number of manufacturing stages and through different distribution channels before reaching end consumers.

• enhance students’ commercial awareness, research, and academic reading and presentation skills and prepare students to become more business oriented by applying theory in a relevant manner to find solutions to authentic business marketing problems and challenges.

• evaluate the importance of ethics, social responsibility, social justice, inclusion and sustainability and how these may lead to competitive advantages and better business prospects.

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Consumer Insights

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Tuesday afternoon
autumn semester - Monday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

Effective marketing management requires the ability to understand consumer needs, influences and predict how consumers will behave within a given market situation. Marketers need an in-depth understanding and critical appreciation of customer responses to products, services and marketing offering. The module is designed to provide an in-depth and critical understanding of consumer insight and how it informs marketing practices. The module examines the various determinants of consumer behaviour, and introduces and examines the theories and influences of buyer behaviour and their application to managerial decision-making. In addition, the module builds on an appreciation of the market research processes methods and metrics used to gain consumer insight for informed effective marketing decisions.

This module aims to develop a critical understanding of the importance of studying and understanding buyer behaviour. The development of market research, their role, and its contribution to the marketing function. Thus enable and develop student’s technical skills and knowledge in applying market research methods to consumer issues

The module also aims to assist students in the acquisition of the following skills:
1. Digital literacy and IT skills
2. Researching & analysing
3. Application of knowledge and presenting data
5. Critical thinking
6. Academic writing

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Digital Marketing

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Monday morning
spring semester - Thursday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

8 Module description
In the current business environment, it is imperative that marketers keep pace with the dramatic and far-reaching changes fuelling digital transformation. This module is about appreciating the importance of the ever-evolving, dynamic digital marketing landscape. Within the digital marketing landscape you will be introduced to the digital marketing channels and their applications. You will be presented with theoretical frameworks and models, which are relevant to the analysis of the digital marketing practice. You will examine the development of supporting technologies for digital marketing and examines digital channels and their suitability for inclusion for effective integrated online and off line marketing programmes and campaigns. Search Engine Optimization (SEO), customer acquisition and retention, mobile marketing, email marketing, online PR, affiliate marketing, social media, video and multichannel marketing are all explored in detail. Additionally the importance of effective digital monitoring and measurement techniques that enable organisations to improve digital marketing effectiveness performance and planning will be explored Related legislation, regulation and codes of practice will also be examined
The module aims to –
• Develop students' understanding and knowledge of the issues in digital marketing.
• Provide students an understanding of the nature of digital marketing concepts and techniques, and the role of digital marketing in improving an organizations marketing effectiveness and planning.

The module builds on the acquisition of the following Skills
• Analysing data & problem solving
• Application of Knowledge and presenting Data
• Digital literacy and IT skills

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Marketing Communications

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Monday afternoon
spring semester - Friday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The module will enable you to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the nature and importance of integrated marketing communications and the individual purpose and characteristics of its component tools.

This module builds on Level 4 marketing modules knowledge and aims to define and explore the marketing communications process and the role of an integrated marketing communication approach in both traditional and digital communication formats, in achieving marketing objectives. The changing environment and impact of technology are explained as background for synthesis of the communications process.

In addressing QAA skill benchmarks for business and management, the module specifically focuses on the following areas:

1) Ability to conduct research into business and management issues.
2) Developing skills including identifying, formulating and solving business communication challenges.

More broadly, the module aims to assist students in the acquisition of the following skills:

- Academic writing and reading
- Analysing data/research
- Critical thinking and being creative
- Communicating/presenting, orally and/or in writing
- Digital Literacy and IT skills
- Commercial awareness, including corporate social responsibility

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Creating a Winning Business 1

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday morning
autumn semester - Thursday afternoon
autumn semester - Friday morning
autumn semester - Friday afternoon
spring semester - Wednesday morning
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Friday afternoon
spring semester - Friday afternoon

(alternative core, 15 credits)

The University has a policy that undergraduate students must, take a Work Based Learning (WBL) module i.e. a module which requires them to directly experience and operate in the real world of work and to reflect on that episode in order to identify skill and knowledge areas that they need to develop for their career.

This module challenges students to be creative in identifying a new business opportunity and in examining the viability of all aspects of the idea in the real-world context e.g.

  • Supporting an existing small business to understand how a business runs
  • Respond to small business’s client briefs
  • Testing potential customers’ views.

As a result of client brief and feedback, business concepts and/or ideas will develop over the duration of the module.

The QAA Benchmark on Business and Management (2019) emphasises the attribute of “entrepreneurship” and of “the value of real-world learning”. In terms of promoting work related skills, the module specifically focuses on practical techniques for responding to client briefs in evaluating and developing business ideas and so develops creative yet practical thinking.

In addition, it requires students to examine market potential and prepare a presentation of their findings assuming the role of a business consultant. The module requires a high level of self-reliance to explore the business idea based on a client brief. Students develop an understanding of the role of business start-ups, business growth and development.

These skills and techniques are of practical relevance to anyone considering developing a business, working for a Small or Medium sized Enterprise (SME) or taking on an intrapreneurial role within a larger organisation where the business environment is constantly evolving and producing new challenges and opportunities.

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Learning through Work

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday morning
autumn semester - Thursday afternoon
autumn semester - Friday morning
autumn semester - Friday afternoon
spring semester - Wednesday morning
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday afternoon
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Friday afternoon
spring semester - Friday afternoon

(alternative core, 15 credits)

This Work Based Learning module enables students to undertake a short period of professional activity either: part-time/vacation employment; work placement; not-for-profit sector volunteering or a professional/employer led project.

Work Based Learning modules are designed to enhance students’ personal and professional development and assist in preparing students for their future careers. The module aims to facilitate application and progression of knowledge and skills gained via the learner’s studies and wider life experience. Students will be introduced to a range of professional skills and techniques, including: reflective self-assessment; preparation for employment; being a critical employee and developing approaches for co-operative and collaborative working.

• Students will be contacted prior to the semester to provide support in securing work based activity in good time.
• It is a student's responsibility to apply for opportunities and to engage with the Work Based Learning team to assist them.
• The suitability of any opportunities will be assessed by the Module Team and all roles must meet the Health and Safety requirements for Higher Education Work Placements.
• Learners may be able to utilise existing employment, providing they can demonstrate it is personally developmental and involves a relevant level of responsibility.
• In addition, students may be able to complete the Work Based Learning hours during the summer prior to the academic year a student is taking the module.
• Tier 4 International students will be required to submit weekly timesheets for the hours undertaken for the work based learning activity to meet the requirements of their visa. These will need to be signed by their line manager/supervisor.

The module aims to enable students to:
• Effectively express and understand their current skills and abilities in relation to their career values and goals.
• Practically apply the knowledge gained through their course programme to a work environment.
• Gain an in-depth insight of a work environment
• Make a positive contribution to the employing organisation and demonstrate inclusive workplace practice.
• Recognise their personal and professional development learning and apply to their future goals.

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Problem Solving: Methods and Analysis

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Thursday afternoon
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Friday afternoon

(alternative core, 15 credits)

This module aims to develop students’ ability to understand and apply problem solving methods and analysis in relation to issues that may arise in business and management subject areas.

The module offers an opportunity for students to collect, present, analyse and interpret qualitative and quantitative data from a variety of data sources such as ONS and other sources. It seeks to enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of the business environment and develop their data management and data analysis skills using IT packages as appropriate.

The module provides the quantitative and qualitative data analysis skills that underpin the success of an empirical research project. This module helps to build the sound foundation required to undertake a final year project / dissertation module.

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The Practice of Consultancy

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Monday morning
autumn semester - Monday afternoon
autumn semester - Tuesday morning
autumn semester - Tuesday afternoon
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday morning
autumn semester - Thursday afternoon
autumn semester - Friday morning
autumn semester - Friday afternoon

(alternative core, 15 credits)

Consultancy is big business and the sector continues to experience strong growth. The UK consultancy industry alone employs more than 80,000 professionals and is worth an estimated £12 billion per annum; making it the second largest consultancy base in the world.

Management consulting involves engaging with stakeholders to provide objective, specialist advice. It is concerned with diagnosing issues and inefficiencies, solving problems, improving performance and implementing solutions to deliver complex change, maximise growth and to create value for organisations.

The Practice of Consultancy develops the practical research and consultancy skills required for a career in Business Analyses and Management Consultancy and prepares students for the final year Consultancy Project. Specifically, the module introduces research methods for consultancy and aims to develop a practical understanding of the tools and techniques of problem analysis and issue clarification. A range of business frameworks are applied to structure diagnostic analyses and thinking, whilst data, metrics and analytics are evaluated to inform the process and to provide the client with evidence-based solutions. Finally, this module aims to develop students’ communication skills through the preparation of a report to present the outcome of the consultation to their client.

Management consulting covers a broad range of activities and, to be effective, a consultant needs to be client-oriented and solution-focused. Expertise, resourcefulness, an analytical mind, creative thinking, an ability to manage relationships, empathy and excellent communication skills are essential to building trust and ensuring recommendations are implemented. By taking an applied, problem-solving approach, this module encourages students to enhance their competencies in these areas.

Transferable skills
Student will develop a range of key skills and knowledge, including:

  • Critical evaluation, problem identification and problem-solving skills
  • Research skills (quantitative and qualitative research)
  • Numeracy
  • Analytic, divergent and creative thinking
  • Communication (critical reading, interviewing, listening, negotiating, advising, presenting and report writing skills)
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Developing Inclusive Organisations

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Monday morning
autumn semester - Monday afternoon
autumn semester - Tuesday morning
autumn semester - Tuesday afternoon

(option, 15 credits)

We live in a more diverse society than ever before. Structural changes in labour markets have led to increasing numbers of women, older workers and disabled people in employment, with fewer younger people in many industrialised economies. Globalisation and migration has also lead to greater ethnic diversity. We are also clear about the business for diverse workforces, and the benefits this can bring to society.

However, there is a question as to whether a diverse workforce always equals inclusion. There is evidence that many of these groups are marginalised and face employment disadvantages in practice. The aim of this module is to illuminate some of the inequalities experienced by these groups, and then to examine theoretical perspectives helping explain these and provide insights into how these can be better remedied in practice.

Whilst arguably the principles of inclusion transcend the protected characteristics (Equality Act, 2010), it is clear that these groups tend to suffer more inequalities in the workplace than others (despite law that protects against this). This module will therefore look at the meaning of inclusion and how it differs from concepts of equality and diversity – what it adds and where it might be lacking. We will examine closely the different dimensions of diversity (gender, age, race/ethnicity and so forth) in order to understand the specific barriers these groups experience, and what methods organisations can develop to ensure more inclusive workplaces – so that everyone feels valued regardless of identity or background.

A broader aim of the module is to provide students with an opportunity to ‘step into the shoes’ of diverse marginalised groups and the specific barriers they face, so they are better prepared to identify and promote inclusive workplaces, as social justice champions of our future. This is something our society needs and London Metropolitan University is passionate about developing – values driven graduates who make a positive contribution to the world (see Strategic Plan).

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International Business

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Tuesday afternoon

(option, 15 credits)

This module enables students to understand and analyse the dynamics of international business operations and management; strategic issues and evolving world markets. The module explores the decision-making process behind the organisation and management of operations and resources within a global context.

International economic issues influence the formulation of trade and investment policies as well as business strategies. In recent years dramatic economic changes are arising on account of factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic, Brexit and the growing role played by emerging economies. The aim of this module is to give students a strong understanding of key theories, policies and issues which will be analysed in the light of current international debates.

This module provides opportunities for developing the student’s strategic thinking, understanding, analysis and assessment of a range of topical issues challenging international businesses in the global economy.

While the balance of geopolitical influences is tilting and the role and intervention of global institutions are being challenged, the business community still sees major economic groupings like Europe’s single market as useful launchpads to internationalisation. Hence, the module examines economic integration and trading blocs with a particular focus on the European Union (EU). The UK and EU competition policy will also be examined.

Using economic theories, the module aims to explain the development of international business, the globalisation process and challenges and debate.

The module also aims to develop students' employability skills, in particular: subject research; problem solving and application; academic writing; academic reading and critical thinking, evaluation, analysis and reflection.

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Organisational Design and Management

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday morning
autumn semester - Friday afternoon
autumn semester - Friday morning

(option, 15 credits)
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Sustainability, Business and Responsibility

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Monday morning
spring semester - Wednesday afternoon
spring semester - Wednesday morning

(option, 15 credits)

This module will address the critical issue of how current thinking on climate change and sustainability will impact on businesses and organisation. The need to create more sustainable organisations and businesses is fundamental to current and future organisational development strategies. It is necessary for students to understand the growing influence of the sustainability agenda on industry. This influence takes on many forms, from government policies and international agreements to the measuring the impacts of organisational practices on the ecology and communities. In the future, organisations, businesses, communities and individuals will be expected to understand and take responsibility for their economic, environmental and social impacts. This module will examine the current and future challenges. It will equip students to deal with the challenge of creating sustainable forms of business that operate within ecological and socio-economic limits.

It will explore the sustainability context, and how business practices will need to evolve to reflect the realities of operating within a globalised trading system that is striving to apply sustainability principles.

The overarching aim of the module is to ensure that students develop a full understanding of what is meant by sustainability, who decides what constitutes sustainability principles and how these principles are applied. It will explore the varied tools and techniques used to apply sustainability principles, by governments, business and communities, and the challenges and conflicts these present. Such appreciation will be developed progressively via more specific aims which are:

  1. To engage with the growing international debate and practice around sustainability, business and corporate social responsibility (CSR).
  2. To evaluate how this will challenge organisations and business.
  3. To examine tools and techniques for evaluating and implementing of sustainability
  4. To analyse the evolving policy frameworks within which business operates.
  5. To understand how changing environmental realities may affect business practice.

The module also aims to assist students in the acquisition of the following skills:
1. Academic reading
2. Researching
3. Problem-solving and decision making
4. Critical thinking and writing
5. Application of knowledge and presenting data
6. Academic writing

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Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Business

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Friday morning
spring semester - Thursday afternoon
spring semester - Thursday morning
spring semester - Friday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The business world is currently undergoing profound technological change. Digitalisation has reached new heights and new technologies are helping tackle ever more tasks that are complex. This trend is driven in particular by the availability of large quantities of data – big data (BD) – and by the improved opportunities for using this data through artificial intelligence (AI). The relevance of BDAI is growing as technology, companies, and consumers interact. First, current technological progress facilitates the extensive and practical use of BDAI. Second, companies are increasingly relying on data and the value they extract from it to optimise their business models and processes. Third, consumer behaviour is increasingly shaped by digital applications, which in turn boosts the generation and availability of data. As such this module focuses on the relevance and management of BDAI in business context. This module also focuses on how to lead successful BDAI initiatives by prioritizing the right opportunities, building a diverse team, shaping the strategies and strategic experiments and continuously managing business solutions to benefit the organizations as a whole.

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Brand Management

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Monday morning

(core, 15 credits)

This module provides a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding on brands, brand equity and strategic brand management. It outlines the concepts and framework of branding, which are crucial in designing, implementing marketing campaigns as well as activities to build, measure and manage brand equity. It provides students with the tools and techniques to improve long-term profitability via creating effective brand strategies.

Aims of the module:

  • Explore the role of branding from a corporate and consumer perspective.
  • Examine the theory of branding.
  • Develop students' understanding of the role played by marketing communications in the building and maintenance of brands.
  • Develop students’ researching and analysing skills.
  • Develop students’ critical writing, application of knowledge and decision-making skills.
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Corporate Communications

This module currently runs:
spring semester - Wednesday morning

(core, 15 credits)

This module encourages students to critically analyse the nature, value, and techniques of effective corporate relations.

The module also covers the analysis and evaluation of theories, models and issues relating to both corporate communications and that which informs its practice, namely corporate strategy. It encompasses both a global and a more “localised” perspective to the subject and is designed to help students to critically analyse and evaluate emerging issues and trends in contemporary corporate relations.

These include all the critical drivers and determinants of corporate communications including macro & micro environmental analysis, corporate strategy analysis as well as issues related to leadership and management, international corporate relations, corporate social responsibility, investor relations, internal communications, communications audits, public affairs issues and crises management.

Key to the module’s focus is the examination of corporate strategy and the inter-relationships between corporate strategy, leadership and corporate communications.

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Leading Innovation

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Tuesday morning
autumn semester - Tuesday afternoon
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

This final-year core module “Leading Innovation” aims to enable students to study and apply in practice:

a range of leadership theories and techniques to critically evaluate and develop their own personal leadership style
a range of leadership theories and techniques to critically evaluate contemporary innovation practice, and organisations in a range of industries engaged with innovation practice
a range of innovation theories and techniques to critically evaluate contemporary innovation processes, and organisations in a range of industries that innovate
the synergies between leadership and innovation in a range of contexts

The Module will be based around two themes:
(i) Theme 1: Leadership, where they will study, reflect on, and use leadership theories and techniques to assess and develop their own personal leadership style. By doing this, students will be closely engaging with and evaluating classic and contemporary theories, and directly applying the ideas from these theories to their own experience and ambitions.
(ii) Theme 2: Innovation, where they will study, analyse, and evaluate the innovation processes of selected organisations and industries (by critiquing, for example, Case Studies), and how innovation is achieved and operates within the contemporary economy (by critiquing, for example, classic and contemporary examples). In addition, students will study the synergies between leadership and innovation, an emerging area in academic research and in practice. By doing this, students will be closely engaging with and evaluating innovation practice and performance, informed by the leadership theories and techniques covered in Theme 1.

Each theme will conclude with an assignment: Theme 1 will conclude with a team-based formative assignment, and Theme 2 will conclude with a pairs-based summative assignment. Once complete, this Module aims to enable students to understand a long-term timeline. Firstly, students will ‘look back’ and be exposed to classic and contemporary leadership texts, so they can critically evaluate and develop their own personal leadership style. Secondly, they will ‘look forward’ and critically evaluate how innovation can further emerge in the economy and society, and how contemporary and future organisations and industries can ensure sustainability through enhanced innovation, blended with enhanced organisational leadership.

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Strategic Marketing

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Friday afternoon

(core, 15 credits)

The module seeks to present the latest developments in strategic marketing thinking and development of marketing plans. The module critically evaluates the linkages between strategic marketing planning and corporate planning, organisations marketing competencies in relation to competitive advantage, market performance, customers, competitors, product and service portfolios, current and future positioning and value proposition. It also applies appropriate analytical frameworks and techniques suitable for planning, implementation, measurement and evaluation of marketing plans.

Aims of the module:
• Develop knowledge and understanding of relevant theories, models, concepts and context of strategic marketing and the planning process.
• Systematically conduct a marketing audit, develop an effective marketing strategy and tactical marketing plan using suitable analytical tools and frameworks.
• Foster a critical awareness and understanding of current issues in strategic marketing and planning in context of theory and practice.
• Develop students’ academic writing, application of knowledge and decision-making skills.

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Consultancy Project

This module currently runs:
all year (September start) - Monday morning
all year (September start) - Monday afternoon
all year (September start) - Tuesday afternoon
all year (September start) - Tuesday morning
all year (September start) - Wednesday morning

(alternative core, 30 credits)

The Professional Consultancy / Project is a capstone module in which students will be required to undertake a business project aimed at enhancing their employability as well as providing a platform for further professional development.

This module requires students to undertake and write up an individual project that gives them the opportunity to not only consolidate their learning on the programme, but also to clearly apply their learning in a real-world context. Furthermore, it will provide students with the opportunity to showcase their professional competences built throughout the programme.

If in employment students may choose to use a work-based consultancy project (subject to agreement from their employer). Alternatively, they may choose a project which is research-based.

Students will also be required to present their project via an on-line presentation or podcast. This module gives them the opportunity to demonstrate their professional credibility and to use their academic, business and technical skills in a professional context.

Professional Consultancy Project aims to:

1 Demonstrate the ability to utilise and contextualise knowledge by applying analytical skills to a business situation or problem
2 Demonstrate the ability to assemble a coherent and a sustained piece of writing that evaluates a business/project problem/solution
3 Create an opportunity to further develop a range of skills associated with research including analysis, interpretation, written expression, formal report writing, and self-managed study
4 Engage students on a complex, integrated activity that will consolidate and integrate previous skills and learning
5 Provide students with a ‘showcase’ opportunity that allows them to demonstrate their ability to apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course to a significant and specialised task

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(alternative core, 30 credits)

This module aims to enable students to complete a research focused dissertation on a chosen topic or issue appropriate to their undergraduate degree. Students are required to reflect on relevant research questions, theoretical concepts/hypotheses, prior literature, ethical approaches, research methodologies and data analyses in an independent and disciplined manner. Students are expected to develop an in-depth understanding of their chosen research topics, research methods/approaches and the ability to appropriately seek out data samples required for research in a selected topic. The module aims to develop analytical, critical thinking, referencing and time management skills in independently undertaking and reporting on a research project.

Global Marketing and Sales in the Digital Age

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon

(option, 15 credits)

Marketing is an essential component of any organisation regardless of size and has application globally, helping an organisation to retain and recruit news customers and increase the scale of a business.

Marketing is focused on the customer and the value of the product offering to stimulate demand, while sales activities are designed to encourage customer purchase. Both functions need to be integrated within an organisation to improve business performance.

Global marketing helps an organisation to find and develop new market opportunities while maintaining its domestic market(s.)

This module is intended to allow students to focus and explore the key components and nature of marketing and sales in a global market.

The global events of 2019 demonstrate the key linkages and interdependence of markets and demonstrate the importance of designing, distribution and selling products/ services in markets around the world, while maintaining a home market.

The module aims to:

  • Provide an understanding of the role and importance of marketing and sales in a global setting.
  • Explore a range of strategic choices available to organisations when seeking to expand globally.
  • Provide an overview of marketing management in the ‘digital age’
  • Explore the relationship and interdependence of marketing and sales
  • Examine the impact of communication including digital applications to support product/service delivery in a global market.
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Social Marketing

This module currently runs:
autumn semester - Wednesday morning
autumn semester - Wednesday afternoon
autumn semester - Thursday morning
autumn semester - Thursday afternoon

(option, 15 credits)

This module aims to introduce the students to a developing specialist new field associated with marketing. It provides the students with the opportunity to build on their knowledge about marketing to apply it to situations where the aim is to help address social problems. Students will learn how this developing new science makes use of several disciplines, in addition to marketing, to help improve the welfare of our societies. This field has been successfully applied to many social ills ranging from obesity, drinking and driving to discrimination and domestic violence.
Students will be first introduced to the history and concepts of social marketing and shown the procedures used by social marketers to address social problems. The students will be encouraged to develop their critical as well as applied abilities during their studies.
By the end of the module the students will not only be able to appreciate the benefits of social marketing but also learn very useful skills about how to apply it. The knowledge and skills of this module will combine with previous skills achieved by students in the course, to enable them to understand and apply their marketing skills to both commercial as well as social situations. It will also help develop a socially responsible attitude as well as enable them to consider pursuing this professionally rewarding specialist area for their career.

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Course details

In addition to the University's standard entry requirements, you should have:

  • a minimum of grades CCC in three A levels in academic or business subjects (or a minimum of 96 UCAS points from an equivalent Level 3 qualification, eg BTEC National, OCR Diploma or Advanced Diploma)
  • English Language and Mathematics GCSE at grade C/grade 4 or above (or equivalent)

If you don't have traditional qualifications or can't meet the entry requirements for this undergraduate degree, you may still be able to gain entry by completing our Marketing (including foundation year) BA (Hons).

Accreditation of Prior Learning

Any university-level qualifications or relevant experience you gain prior to starting university could count towards your course at London Met. Find out more about applying for Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL).

English language requirements

To study a degree at London Met, you must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. If you require a Student visa (previously Tier 4) you may need to provide the results of a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. This course requires you to meet our standard requirements.

If you need (or wish) to improve your English before starting your degree, the University offers a Pre-sessional Academic English course to help you build your confidence and reach the level of English you require.

You'll be assessed through a range of methods including presentations, assignments and written examinations.

As a marketing professional you'll be able to work in almost any sector, from financial services and consumer goods to charities.

You can choose to specialise in research, communications or brand management. Alternatively, you can develop your career in a specific type of marketing, such as product, service, consumer or business to business (B2B).

If you study your undergraduate degree with us, as a graduate of London Met, you'll be entitled to a 20% discount on a postgraduate course if you continue your studies with us.
* exclusions apply

Please note, in addition to the tuition fee there may be additional costs for things like equipment, materials, printing, textbooks, trips or professional body fees.

Additionally, there may be other activities that are not formally part of your course and not required to complete your course, but which you may find helpful (for example, optional field trips). The costs of these are additional to your tuition fee and the fees set out above and will be notified when the activity is being arranged.

Discover Uni – key statistics about this course

Discover Uni is an official source of information about university and college courses across the UK. The widget below draws data from the corresponding course on the Discover Uni website, which is compiled from national surveys and data collected from universities and colleges. If a course is taught both full-time and part-time, information for each mode of study will be displayed here.

Data for Marketing (Full time) at London Metropolitan University, over two years

70%of students say teaching staff have supported their learning well.

For more official course information visit Discover Uni

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Data for courses in Business and management over two years at London Metropolitan University

89%of students say teaching staff have supported their learning well.

For more official course information visit Discover Uni

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How to apply

If you're a UK applicant wanting to study full-time starting in September, you must apply via UCAS unless otherwise specified. If you're an international applicant wanting to study full-time, you can choose to apply via UCAS or directly to the University.

If you're applying for part-time study, you should apply directly to the University. If you require a Student visa, please be aware that you will not be able to study as a part-time student at undergraduate level.

If you're applying for a degree starting in January/February, you can apply directly to the University.

When to apply

The University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) accepts applications for full-time courses starting in September from one year before the start of the course. Our UCAS institution code is L68.

If you will be applying direct to the University you are advised to apply as early as possible as we will only be able to consider your application if there are places available on the course.

To find out when teaching for this degree will begin, as well as welcome week and any induction activities, view our academic term dates.

Are you from outside the UK? Find out how to apply from your home country

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