Emeritus Professor and former Head of Caribbean Studies Clem Seecharan returns to London Met to discuss his new collection of essays.
Date: 18 June 2015
Professor Clem Seecharan will return to London Met on Thursday, 25 June to discuss Finding Myself, a new book on race, politics and culture in his native Guyana.
Finding Myself explores both a public and personal history, bringing together insightful studies of Indo-Caribbean history with autobiographical explorations of family history, self-discovery and the construction of his own perspective.
Professor Seecharan is the one of the most notable experts on Indo-Caribbean history and the first and only person to teach a course in Indo-Caribbean history at a UK university. He was the Head of Caribbean Studies at London Met from 1993 to 2012.
He was born in Guyana, and for a period taught at the University of Guyana. In the book he reflects on his own personal experiences there and addresses unhappy state of the nation Guyana as it approaches fifty years of political independence.
For more information on the event and to reserve your place please go to the event’s Eventbrite page.
For more information about the book please go to the Peepal Tree Press website.