Between Heaven and Earth

Cass Reader in Silversmithing and Jewellery, Simone Ten Hompel is exhibiting at Gallery On in Seoul, South Korea.

Date: 3 July 2014

Cass Reader in Silversmithing and Jewellery, Simone Ten Hompel is exhibiting at Gallery On in Seoul, South Korea.  

The Between Heaven and Earth exhibition sees Ten Hompel take traditional craft processes and use them to create contemporary interpretations of ‘landscape’.

Playing with materials and scale, and evoking a sense of place, the work will surprise and delight anyone who has ever imagined or modelled a world from childhood materials and objects.

The exhibition will consider the configuration of self-contained objects as a means of expression and examine the influence of landscape, rural and urban, general and particular, on the constructional arrangements of craft objects.

Ten Hompel's work blends natural elements and artificial elements in a reinterpretation about landscape between heaven and earth.

Simone Ten Hompel has exhibited in Korea numerous times in the past-most recently during March this year where her work toured to several towns. Gallery On, where the exhibition is taking place, is run by Cass MA Photography Alumna Kyung Hee Hwang and recently hosted a talk by Michael Upton about The Cass East End Archive with view to initiating a collaborative photography project. The Cass enjoys several other links with institutions in South Korea including K-Arts, which will be running a studio in partnership with our Architecture School again this year.

Cass Reader in Silversmithing and Jewellery, Simone Ten Hompel exhibits in Seoul

News details

Exhibition: Between Heaven and Earth, Gallery On
Date: 1-8 July 2014
Address: B1 Young-Chung Bd, 69 Sagan-dong Jongno-gu Seoul South Korea

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