Cass Year 12 Summer School

Are you in Year 12? Our free Cass summer school will give you a great chance to explore university life and discover what a course in a creative subject at a top art school is like.

Date: 2 July 2014

Are you in Year 12? Our free Cass summer school will give you a great chance to explore university life and discover what a course in a creative subject at a top art school is really like.

London Re-Imagined will give you a week hands-on experience of life as a student. You'll attend lectures, seminars and hands-on workshops and get tips on putting together your UCAS application and study skills. You'll also learn first-hand what student life is like from our student ambassadors. 

At the end of the week you will present your work in a special exhibition in our own public galleries. You can opt into one of four specialisms all linked by the theme of looking at and presenting London in a new way:

Urban Sketching 
This course aims to develop your quick sketching skills, looking at people within space. You will be taken off site to London’s streets and favourite museums and art galleries. You will be guided to select views and how to measure and involve human presence within the composition.

Street Photography 
You will build on your photography skills with hands-on studio sessions before heading out into one of the most exciting and fashionable areas of London to test out your skills. 

City Modelling
The City Modelling course will take you into London City, to investigate a site where you will be asked to create a small structure, such as a bus stop or a small shelter for the business workforce to use at lunchtime. You will be guided throughout from a sketched design that will be realised as a model.

East End Web: make a mini web pilot
You will learn about the creation of a youth oriented 'web series', including basic screenplay and character construction, along with script writing techniques for episodic drama. You will then move into undertaking a one-location shoot as cast and crew and create your ' mini pilot' of under 4 mins, which will be presented at the end of the week.

Places are limited to 20 per course - so APPLY HERE to be considered for for a place on The Cass Year 12 Summer School

If you have any questions contact: Liz Routhorn Summer Schools Coordinator on 0207 133 4175

Free courses in photography, sketching, film production and model making- each with a London flavour

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