'East End Blend', a new exhibition at Rich Mix, which has been curated by students of the MA Curating the Contemporary course at The Cass, focuses on the East End of London.
East End Blend (26 Feb - 02 Mar 2011)
The show presents work from ten undergraduate fine art students from the University of East London, an international university with students originating from numerous countries and many backgrounds.
The artists influences range from childhood memories and traditional folk mythology through to the politics of identity, with these themes being the primary product of UEL's melting pot environment. Works within the exhibition express the aforementioned ideas through making direct references to toys, fairy tales and reflections of the self. The origin of the artist, both in and outside of their artistic practice, is a further line of enquiry for many of the practitioners.
The participating artists in East End Blend are:
Anna Naylor, David Martin, Philip Bradshaw, Crystalann McHaffie, Léa Maltese, Désirée Ickerodt, Malgorzata Rachocka, Elevine Berge and Valeriya Georgieva.
All artists are presenting a single, recently produced work. The artists work in diverse media; ranging from traditional painting and sculpture to photography and installation art.
Emphasising the idea of collaboration that has so often defined the East End, the exhibition is curated by Rianne Groen and Philippa O'Driscoll, students of the MA Curating the Contemporary which is run in partnership between London Metropolitan University and Whitechapel Gallery.
Coming together in one of the most cultural diverse programmed spaces in the East End, Rich Mix provides the perfect background for East End Blend.

- Course: MA Curating the Contemporary
- Website: Whitechapel Gallery