This essential guide to university from London Met lecturers Tom Burns and Sandra Sinfield offers step-by-step guidance for new students.
Date: 13 May 2022
Part of the Student Success series, the fifth edition of Essential Study Skills is packed with study tips, activities, templates and quotes from students. An essential guide to university, the book offers students step-by-step guidance in how to study effectively and make the best of their time at university. Whether going to university straight from school, a mature, or an overseas student studying in the UK for the first time, students will find out how to:
- Sail through those tricky first weeks
- Get the most out of lectures by understanding different ways of learning
- Learn techniques for academic writing and research
- Effectively work with others in groups, seminars and workshops
- Write assignments and pass exams with flying colours
- Build a CV and plan your next steps after graduation.
New to this edition is content on how to thrive at university, learn and research digitally, and how to develop your employability skills.
Both authors have been at London Metropolitan University for a combined total of 60 years. Sandra Sinfield, a London Met alumna, has worked at the University since 1990. Sandra started working at the University in 1990 as an associate lecturer and is now a University Teaching Fellow and Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Teaching Enhancement (CTE).
Tom Burns started at the University in 1994 as an associate lecturer and is now a University Teaching Fellow and Senior Lecturer in the CPED. Tom also mentors London Met staff new to research, supporting the development of London Met faculty.
As well as this fifth edition of ESS, they have written Teaching, Learning and Study Skills: A guide for tutors also for Sage - and more recently: the freely available Staff guide to supporting student writing and other forms of learning and assessment, which was illustrated by second year London Met Design student Veronica Piras.