EVENT: Her Story

Exhibition at Aldgate library as part of Women’s History Month 2020 features photography by students, alumni and staff of The Cass.

Her Story, at The Cass from the 11 to the 29 th March is a site specific exhibition reconsidering ideas of femininity which incorporates photography, moving image and work from the University library collections.  The show features 26 international photographers who are students, staff or alumni from the Photography BA and Fashion Photography BA courses at the school.

Curated by Ania Dabrowska and Heather McDonough, Her Story has been developed in collaboration with the University library team and is part of the Women’s History Month in East London 2020, organised by Alternative Arts.

Exhibiting artists:

Ania Dabrowska, Aaron Galway, Ania Sto, Atilla Gluck, Chelsea Bryant, Ciara Davies, Daisy Hannan, Egle Griniute, Giovanni Farina,Guy Chackarov, Heather McDonough, Helena Adell Garcia-Ayats, James Cant, Kinga Gurba, Klaudia Karpinska, Madeleine Reynard, Matt Moreau, Mina Boromand, Oluwaseyi Adelowo, Paola Leonardi, Rachel Demmen, Riel Barbon, Sam Calcraft, Stefani Stoyanova, Teresa Piensos Gómez, Tiia Salo, Yiannis Katsaris

Image: Photography by Tiia Salo

Photography by Tiia Salo

News details

Dates 11 to 29 March 2020
Private View Tuesday 10 March, 5pm to 7pm
Opening Hours Free entry
Mon-Fri, 8am to 7pm
Sat & Sun, 11am to 7pm
(Exhibition is visible from outside on Goulston Street)
Location Library Ground Floor Lounge The Cass
London Metropolitan University
Goulston Street
The Cass on Twitter @TheCassArt


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