Festive fine art open studio at Aldgate Bauhaus promises a feast of student creativity- and charity fundraiser auction.
Date: 04 December 2019
Twas' the night before Christmas and all through the Bauhaus...
The Fine Art area at The Cass is once again inviting familiy, friends and the wider public to join them for their seasonal open studio. The exciting exhibition on Thursday 12 December from 5-8pm will include work by students on courses in Fashion Photography BA, Fine Art BA, Painting BA and Photography BA.
This year’s event will include a fundraising project called Help Art Save Lives led by Bob and Roberta Smith. Paintings of trees of in the nearby Altab Ali Park will be sold in a silent auction to raise money for human rights charity Reprieve and the David Nott Foundation who train surgeons to work in disaster and war zones. The park itself is of course dedicated to the memory of Altab Ali, a young man killed by intolerance and irrational hatred.
Everyone is welcome to this fourteenth edition of the annual event in the Annex building on Old Castle Street. It promises to feature exhibitions of work in progress by students, stalls selling work for charity and to help fundraise for the 2019 Cass Summer Show, refreshments, performances and screenings.
It's an ideal opportunity not only to see work in progress by talented students, but also to see the teaching spaces and meet students and staff over a mince pie or two.
Image: Installation by Cass alumna Lea Barre (2019)

News details
Date/Times | Thursday 12 December 2019, 5pm to 8pm |
Location | London Metroplitan University - The Cass Calcutta Annex / Calcutta House Old Castle Street London E1 7NT |
The Cass on Twitter | @TheCassArt |