Minh Luu has won one of the most prestigious awards in finance.
Date: 4 January 2017
A Masters student at London Metropolitan University has won one of the most prestigious awards in finance.
Minh Luu, an MSc Finance student, won the Worshipful Company of International Bankers Prize at the Guildhall School of Business and Law in December 2016 as a result of having the best dissertation. The annual WCIB prize is awarded to a student for the best dissertation or extended piece of written work as assessed by faculty.
As a result of this Prize, Minh is now eligible for the Lombard Prize.
Awarded by the Worshipful Company of International Bankers, the Lombard Prize rewards one outstanding student each year from a university affiliated with the Company.
Typically the work will be related to the City, international banking or an aspect of finance. The winner receives a certificate of merit and £300. The winner also qualifies to participate in the annual WCIB Lombard Prize competition.
The Lombard Prize was initiated by Alan Moore CBE in the early 1990's when he was Chairman of the Lombard Association, to reward an outstanding student of the City University (now the Sir John Cass Business School) evening MBA Programme.
The Lombard Prize is a competition which includes the winners of the WCIB prizes at the universities which participate in the Company’s prize giving programme. The winner is based on an executive summary of the extended piece of written work by the participant and oral responses to two topical questions.
A previous winner of the Lombard Prize was alumna Natalia Lykova who won the award in 2012. You can view a list of the prize winners here.