Final beckons for our Guildhall team
Date: 11/03/2015
Our Guildhall team made it through fierce competition to reach the final of the University Business Challenge which will take place on 27 March.
The team were ranked an impressive 4th out of 50 teams after a tough day of competition in Bristol where they gave a remarkable performance. They wowed the judges to be place ahead of stiff competition such as UCL, Liverpool and Sheffield amongst other.
Etienne Bresch said "The credit must go to those students in Business Management, and Business Management and Marketing (I was merely facilitating). They pulled together as a team at all times, especially in the last round which consisted of a 1-minute sales pitch (Dragon's Den style) where they presented their idea for a socially responsible business, how to plan it, manage it and scale it".
We are now eagerly awaiting the final, which takes place on 20 March at Southbank which is sure to be an exciting event.