DLHE survey results prove creativity works

Latest survey reveals a massive 96% of graduates of The Cass are in employment or further study within six months.

The Cass's score in the national Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey (DLHE) shows that a record 96% of our graduates were in work or further study six months after leaving the University.

The School was the strongest performing area at London Metropolitan University, whose overall score was a record 93%. In part, the strong performance by The Cass highlights the booming success of the UK’s creative industries; recent figures show the creative sector’s employment rate is three times that of the national average.

The result also acknowledges that students at The Cass engage with employers during their studies in many different ways including through the studio system, which sees students taught by and working alongside industry leading professionals, by undertaking work placements at leading creative organisations, by taking part in live project briefs coordinated by a projects office that bridges study and real-world projects, and through a programme of exhibitions, events and talks that bring a stream creative practioners into the University. 

The University also saw a 12% increase in the overall proportion of students in graduate-level jobs, compared to last year’s results.

London Metropolitan University has also had one of the biggest two-year rises in the country in terms of full-time, UK-domiciled, first degree graduates entering employment or further study, with a huge increase in the number of students who've gone on to secure graduate-level jobs.