Magazine founded by Journalism and Photojournalism graduates from London Met recognised by the Mental Health Blog Awards
Date: 27 April 2022
by the staff of Mental Magazine
Mental Magazine has been nominated for three award categories at this year’s Mental Health Blog Awards: Project of the Year, Creative of the Year, and Blogger of the Year. The awards 'celebrate the effort, energy, emotion and more put into raising awareness, supporting, signposting, explaining, educating and comforting', the MHBlogAward's website says.
London Met alumni Aaron Patel, Holly Allison, and Filippo Ceccanibbi, alongside other students, started Mental Magazine in 2019 as part of their third year Journalism BA Creating Packages module. The trio have continued to evolve the magazine since graduating, leading to their nominations this year.
The nominations are 'a sign of how far we have come and how our hard work is paying off', said Patel, the magazine's editor-in-chief. He got his BA in Journalism in 2019 from London Met followed by an MA in Creative, Digital and Professional Writing in 2021.
Supporting mental health while studying
A student mental health publication covering all aspects of mental health and wellbeing, Mental Magazine, is aimed specifically for an audience currently studying at university, or about to enter higher education.
“Students at university go through a lot in three to four years, they need support and everything just clicked. We knew that what we had back in 2019 was special: mental health matters!” said Patel.
As well as their website, the team has also published print editions and most recently, and an online e-magazine.
Prestigious annual awards
The Mental Health Blog Awards is an annual ceremony hosted every year, celebrating the projects and their success stories within the mental health community. Podcasts, blogs, projects, and micro- influencers are some of the categories. Speakers are also present at the event, talking all about mental health and wellbeing.
Patel said the magazine would never have made it without such a great team. “A huge thank you to Head of Journalism Wendy Sloane for her support from the start, to the core team, and contributors. This is only the start of something truly wonderful,” he said.
The event will be held online this year on Saturday 16 July. Voting opens on Friday 29 April. Make sure to vote for Mental Magazine!