Exploring the direct and indirect role of social networks in migrants' accessing labour markets.
Date: 10 February 2022
London Met’s Professor Louise Ryan will be delivering a guest lecture at her alma mater University College Cork, where she also holds a Visiting Professorship in the Department of Sociology and Criminology.
She will explore the direct and indirect role of social networks in migrants' accessing labour markets. Much has been written about how migrants may utilise social networks to access jobs.
Nevertheless, gaps remain in understanding how skills, labour market sectors, education level, language proficiency, etc, may influence the relationship between network ties and employment opportunities
Drawing upon interviews with diverse migrants, in London, across varied public and private sector jobs, this presentation contributes to understanding migrant network in three key ways:
- How networks operate directly and indirectly in job seeking strategies and career development
- How the role of networks may differ across varied labour market sectors
- How 'weak' and 'strong' ties can be conceptualised as a continuum of dynamic relationships.
This presentation will draw on a chapter from the forthcoming publication: Revisiting Migrant Network by Keskiner, Eve and Ryan.
The event will take place on Monday, February 21st at 5pm. All are invited to attend via Microsoft Teams; or for those locally, in lecture theatre Boole 6 on UCC’s campus.