Call for applications: MA by Project (ARCSR) scholarship awards 2016-17

Full fee scholarships available for 2016 entry on MA By Project course. Deadline: 31st May 2016

The Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design at London Metropolitan University and the Architecture of Rapid Change and Scarce Resources research studio invite applications from outstanding graduates for Research Award MA by Project (ARCSR) studentships for study in 2016-17.

The MA by Project (ARCSR) course builds on 14 years of experience working with NGOs and low-income communities in urban and peri-urban situations, combining research, teaching and practice. It offers a new and exciting opportunity for architectural engagement within a rich urban physical and cultural environment.

Resources and research area
The MA by Project is a unique research degree that is tailored to opening new opportunities in creative practice, professional and academic fields. The course is run by our research units and provides unparalleled access to the School’s range of resources, and a stimulating and creative environment.

Architecture of Rapid Change and Scarce Resources (ARCSR) is an emergent area within the practice of architecture. It has an established teaching pathway at degree and diploma levels with a strong track record in research at PhD level within the School of Architecture. ARCSR is linked to and supports the practical work carried out at Cass Projects within this field.

You will have access to previous and ongoing live projects and related design work within the ARCSR research, teaching and practice cluster, as well as a broad research and design community and culture. The Cass has extensive workshop facilities and ARCSR annually organise hands-on making workshops at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales, and other locations, often overseas. You also have the opportunity to work with long-standing partner NGOs in India, Sierra Leone and new partners currently being established in Nepal and Rwanda.

The ARCSR research cluster is led by Professor Maurice Mitchell and Dr. Bo Tang, who teach on the Degree and Diploma courses within the School of Architecture.

Course Content
The course is centered on project work located in a transitional settlement in a rapidly changing city. ARCSR aims to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to enable architects to facilitate individuals and communities in the transformation of the places they inhabit in urban situations where resources are scarce and where both culture and technology are in a state of rapid change. ARCSR aims to extend understanding of the sustainable construction and curation of domestic and community buildings and common civic places using shared techniques of making, adaptation, repair and management whilst locating these ambitions within the spatial and institutional order of the slowly changing topography of the city. MA by Project (ARCSR) design and thesis modules are centered on project work located in a transitional settlement in a rapidly changing city. Supporting modules introduce students to the ARCSR subject area and to appropriate research methodology. Read more about the MA by Project

There are bursaries for course fees (up to 100%), with possible additional field trip subsidy, available to new applicants for September 2016 entry for research relating to the Architecture of Rapid Change and Scarce Resources. The Water Trust (ARCSR), a UK registered charity (no. 1160565) which supports ARCSR at The Cass, will be offering a limited number of scholarship bursaries to applicants. Application for a bursary must be made in parallel with applications for a place on the course. Applicants should indicate their wish to apply for a bursary on the form used to apply for the course. The deadline for scholarship applications is 31st May 2016.

If you have any questions about the scholarship or course, contact Dr Bo Tang for further information:

Local carpenters and Cass students work together to construct a bamboo pati (shelter) in Kathmandu.