Universal Design Studio

The fifth and final lecture in a series of talks, for the 2015/16 academic year. Make Space focuses on different types of interior spaces and how they can be reinvented.

This series of talks focuses on different types of interior spaces, from the reinvention of whole buildings to temporary installation and internal fit-out and reuse.

A number of highly regarded designers and architects, all of whom are based in and work in London, have been invited to talk about the challenges of designing and delivering different interior spaces. The talks will run throughout the new year, focusing on the craft and making of internal spaces. This is part of our public lecture programme and is open to all.

The fifth lecture in the series will be given by Cathrin Walczyk and Paul Gulati of Universal Design Studio, chaired by Andy Stone and co-curated with Zoe Berman. This is the last lecture in the Make Space series for the academic year 2015/2016. 


Image attached. Image credit: Odette, Singapore by Universal Design Studio

Image of bright room

News details

Date Tuesday, 12 April 2016, 6-8.30pm
Location The Cass, CR100 Commercial Road, E11LA

Make Space: Lectures and talks
