Design for Sustainability

The Cass partners Natural Materials Association for their first London event.

The Natural Materials Association will be holding its second event in London on Wednesday, 20 April following the hugely successful first event held in Glasgow last year. This will be a joint event held in conjunction with the Wood Technology Society another IoM3 group with shared interests in the subject area.

This full day event will be held at London Metropolitan University, Old Castle Street in London in the heart of the city. It will feature speakers from companies involved in the design and manufacture of products made using natural materials. Registration and refreshments will commence at 9.30am with the event starting at 10am. It is expected the event will continue until 4.30pm.

The speakers include  Angela Morris of Woolcool, Carmen Hijosa Carmen Hijosa, a social entrepreneur and designer, Dharsahal Shah of Natural Wood Composites, Alex Haw architect and artist of Atmos. and George Fereday MA RCA FRSA , Senior Lecturer and Technology Coordinator at the The Cass

Alongside the seminar, companies and organisations will be showing a variety of products each made using sustainable materials in the exhibition area. If you or your company are interested in exhibiting then please contact us.

Full speaker details and booking on our Eventbrite page.


Image of bamboo

News details

Date and time 20 April, 9.30am - 4.30pm
Venue The Wash Houses
London Metropolitan University
Book Eventbrite (to join waitlist)