Open Call

Uncertain States co-founders David George, Spencer Rowell and Fiona Yaron-Field have teamed with the curator Mary George to ask new artists to contribute to the project.

Date: 14 June 2014

Cass Alumni led group Uncertain States are proud to announce their first open call for lens-based artists' work.

Uncertain States co-founders David George, Spencer Rowell and Fiona Yaron-Field have teamed with the curator Mary George to ask new artists to contribute to the passion of the Uncertain States project and help them find the very best contemporary lens-based art.

The open call will culminate in a four week exhibition in October at Four Corners Gallery in London's East End to coincide with the group's 5th anniversary and the publication of the 20th Issue of the Uncertain States broadsheet newspaper.

Uniquely, UCS have put together an autonomous group of selectors for this process. They include the artists Richard Sawdon Smith, Melanie Manchot, Mari Marh, Julie Cockburn and art strategist Zelda Cheatle. The curatorial collective Uncertain States and Four Corners will also be part of the selection process.

Each judge will select their own best of show and offer the reasons why the work has inspired them. These nine chosen artists will constitute, (alongside an exhibition presented through PhotoMonth 2014), the content of
Uncertain States Issue 20, which will be distributed to: V&A Museum London, Turner Contemporary Margate, Arnolfini Bristol, Impressions Gallery Bradford, Ikon Gallery & Library of Birmingham, Baltic Centre of  Contemporary Art
Newcastle, Open Eye Gallery Liverpool & Norwich University of the Arts. This special edition will explore the curation of the Open Call, include biographies and statements from the artists, offering insight into the selection process.

Uncertain States was founded by David George, Spencer Rowell and Fiona Yaron-Field while they were studying MA Photography at The Cass.

The closing date for submissions is August 17th 2014. Please go to Uncertain States website for conditions of entry.

Cass Alumni led group Uncertain States are proud to announce their first open call

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