Peter Märkli - City and Living Space

Peter Märkli designs houses and apartments that are actively responsive to ways we live in cities today.

Date: 23 May 2014

Peter Märkli designs houses and apartments that are actively responsive to ways we live in cities today. The architectural language of buildings designed by Märkli is legible both at the building scale and at the urban scale. This is a recurring theme that Peter has been developing in his work and discussing with his students at ETH Zurich for many years. Reading from the briefing notes of a project he gave to his students in the autumn semester of 2011, 

“Have we got an imagination about life. How is this imagination expressed in the design of an urban wohnhaus (house for living)? How is this imagination expressed in the public space, in the expression of the building, in the spatial plan of the wohnung (living space) and in its appearance?”

“...We want to inspire a fundamental conversation about the connection between living forms and spatial orders.”

The lecture by Peter Märkli will be video recorded so that it can be transcribed and published as a book. It will become the 2nd book of a series called baukunst, published by a recently established London publisher Ajand.

baukunst 01 

Florian Beigel and Philip Christou - The Idea of City

Following the lecture there will be a book launch of the 1st book in the baukunst series.

Baukunst 01 is a transcript of a joint lecture that Florian Beigel and Philip Christou gave in Berlin a few years ago about their work in the Architecture Research Unit, published by Arjand, London, 2013, Davood Kiani, Consultant Editor, 191 pages, 129 illus. in colour, 287 mm x 180mm, hardcover, ISBN: 978-0-9927666-0-3.

Available to purchase online at: 

baukunst is a monographic series of books about the architectural design and theory of selected contemporary architects.

Peter Märkli - Garden House in Zurich

News details

Location: The boulevard, 2nd Floor, Central House
Date: 14 May 2014
Time: 7:00pm


 1st book in the baukunst series
1st book in the baukunst series


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