Photographing Migration

Alixandra Fazzina Talk: Photographing Migration

Alixandra Fazzina is back to speak for London Independent Photography (LIP), by popular demand! In this talk she will discuss further issues surrounding immigration and how it is portrayed in the media. Fazzina returns with new stories about her book A Million Shillings; Escape from Somalia and her ongoing project The Flowers of Afghanistan, both of which cover the subject of human smuggling and trafficking. She will discuss the challenges faced not only on the ground but in creating fresh perspectives in the field of visualising migration.

Read more about the event on the London Independent Photography website.

Photographing Migration, a talk by Alixandra Fazzina

News details

Date Saturday, 27 February 2016
Time 11am for 11.30am prompt start, followed by Q+A
Venue Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design
Central House (MAP)
London Metropolitan University
59-63 Whitechapel High Street
London E1 7PF
Tickets Free to all Cass students
£10 online or at door