Anastasiya Kichigina presented workshops and seminars on acquiring and managing collaborative research projects.
Date: 23 July 2019
At the start of the July, Anastasiya Kichigina, Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Health, visited the University of Queensland to run workshops and seminars to both their academic and professional staff. The central focus of the workshops was on acquiring and managing collaborative research projects.
The School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work at the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, at UoQ invited Anastasiya to present the workshops, because of her past experience in managing public health projects.
The topics covered included strategies for creating a successful research consortium, designing information campaigns and public engagement activities, and managing risks and issues in research projects.
Anastasiya said: “I feel very lucky to have been invited to present these workshops abroad. The workshops raised interesting questions and discussions.
“It was also a great opportunity to meet up with the Global Engagement team and Research Operating Office, exploring the University’s research portfolio and potential areas for collaboration with London Met.”