Academic staff from The Cass School of Architecture and The Cass Projects Office feature in the shortlists for two categories of the President’s Awards for Research 2014.
Date: 7 July 2014
Academic staff from The Cass School of Architecture and The Cass Projects Office feature in the shortlists for two categories of the President’s Awards for Research 2014 recently announced by The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Shortlisted for RIBA President's Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis
Dr Bo Tang of London Metropolitan University: Negotiating shared spaces in informal peri-urban settlements in North India: collaborative architectural making as a catalyst for civic empowerment and social change.
Shortlisted for RIBA President's Awards for Outstanding University-located Research
Maurice Mitchell of London Metropolitan University and Bo Tang and Shamoon Patwari of Cass Projects: The architecture of three Freetown neighbourhoods: documenting changing city topographies 2008-2013
The awards promote and champion high-quality research and encourage its dissemination to the profession; they raise the profile of those architects and academics engaged in research, and highlight the need for research across the profession to foster innovation and strategic thinking.
A full shortlist can be seen here
Chair of the Judging Panel, Ruth Morrow, of Queen’s University Belfast, said:
"This year’s shortlist was drawn from the second highest number of entries in the history of the Awards and displays a remarkably diverse range of work.
The panel now have some excellent reading to do over the summer and the difficult but pleasurable task of allocating the awards in September."
The winners will be announced in October and will receive their awards on the 3 December at the RIBA Presidents Medals ceremony at 66 Portland Place, W1.