Ring the Bell

Much debated & long awaited! Join us for our private staff-only meeting (or senior common room launch!) in CR512A Commercial Road.

Date: 6 May 2014

Much debated & long awaited! Join us for our private staff-only
meeting (or senior common room launch!) in CR512A Commercial Road.

Come along for a first glance at the CASS staff space in Commercial Rd, grab
a sneaky glass of wine, sign yourself in and relax with a nice view
and good company, thanks to the Design/Shift team!

Looking forward to seeing you all there: 

Thursday 8th May at 16:00 in CR5-12a

Design/Shift Project Team

Join the Club!

News details

Date/Time: Thursday 8 May at 4pm
Location: CR512A Commercial Road

Latest news from School of Art, Architecture and Design
