
The Students' Union-organised art and music event Last Thursday pops up at The Cass.

DoubleAjency, a group of artists and musicians who regularly showcase their work as part of the Students' Union-organised Last Thursday programme, will present their work at The Cass for the first time this month when Salo(o)n takes place in the Parker Gallery.

Salo(o)n is a multimedia endeavour created and presented by the temporary collective of artists and musicians, who are utilising flexi space and role reversal to make and show artwork. Creating material that is made by all of the artists involved, DoubleAjency has regularly showcased work at the Castle Pub (between The Cass' Aldgate buildings).

Last Thursday at the Castle was launched in October 2015 by Amanda Marillier, Students' Union Officer for The Cass, as a way for students to curate and show their work outside of the University. There have been a range of works including photography, video installations and painting. The theme of the six-month programme at The Castle has been gentrification. The participating artists include curator Joanna Boxall resident artist Finnula Lewis Campbell, technician Michael Roberston (BA Fine Art alumni) and many other friends and alumni of The Cass.

The Last Thursday project will continue every month and will be passed on to the next elected Cass Students' Union Officer, Georgia Robinson, who will take office on 1 July 2016.

News details

Date 28 April, 5-9pm
Location Parker Gallery, Commercial Road