“As a sports therapy student I am aware that a major career opportunity for me is starting my own business,” says student Lionel Stone.
Date: 15 June 2018
Final year Sports Therapy students celebrated their work and achievements in a big finale for a business competition which ran weekly to support their course.
The overall winner was Lionel Stone, a final year Sports Therapy BSc student with his idea, ‘Bridge Therapy,’ a pop-up sports injury clinic service to amateur footballers. He won help to set up a website to support his business, along with an iPad.
“The idea came from my own personal experience playing football at both levels and seeing the difference within the medical side,” said Lionel.
“It will work in the real life setting as there is a demand for injury treatment as clarified by market research.”
Throughout the academic year, final year Sports Therapy students develop skills in marketing strategies, pitching and public speaking. The skills are learnt in a weekly session. Students form teams and compete against each other in a series of tasks which include designing logos and elevator pitches.
Lionel said: “The business module was put together to help sports students start their own business. As a sports therapy student I am aware that a major career opportunity for me is starting my own business.
“Our lecturers, Nick Gardiner and Raffaella Pontonutti shared some of their own personal business experiences after graduating from London Met which made me believe I could do something similar.”
Aldo Lena, lecturer in Sports Therapy BSc, said: “We believe this module not only offers students a great opportunity to develop the skills and confidence to start their own business, but also exposure to industry experts.”