The Testing Ground

Cass Theatre and Performance Practice BA students are to perform at Conway Hall.

Second and third year Theatre and Performance Practice - BA (Hons) students are currently developing their ideas for The Testing Ground, an exciting public performance event at Conway Hall, London's esteemed home of progressive ideas and debate. 

Led by tutor Jane Turner, the students from the Movement for Theatre module will be presenting a series of dynamic duets created following a recent tour of the building. The performances will draw on their skills in contact improvisation, gesture, song, dance, acting and physical theatre.
Presented in the Main Hall under Conway's iconic masthead "To Thine Own Self Be True", this event heralds a creative partnership between the two institutions. All are welcome.

Time and date: 7.45pm Tuesday 6 December.
Price: Tickets are only £2 for students.
For booking and more information, visit the Conway Hall website.
dance students perform