La Rivoluzione delle Seppie

Cass tutors deliver unique Summer Workshop in one of Italy’s most beautiful and inspiring landscapes.

La Rivoluzione delle Seppie’s unique Summer Workshop in one of Italy’s most beautiful and inspiring landscapes is still open to applicants. Among the visiting tutors this year are academics from The Cass including Jane McAllister, Sandra Denicke-Polcher, Joseph Kohlmaier and Cathy Heller Jones, Robert Mull and Catrina Beevor.
The workshop takes place in an old convent, now owned by two artists, and brings together students from a variety of backgrounds, visiting tutors from performance, art, architecture and music, and the local community, which currently hosts a group of refugees, with the goal of making a number of temporary and permanent interventions in the convent, its grounds and around the village. A series of talks, conversations and events happening throughout the week, but above all conversations around a long communal table of food and wine will help to synthesise diverse ideas and provide direction for what is, at the outset, entirely open. The idea of process, learning as teaching, making as thinking, and forming a concrete project from an indeterminate starting point lies at the heart of this workshop.

The workshop is still open to applicants. Students need to arrange their travel to Italy, but otherwise the fee of Euro 150 includes accommodation, food, materials and local transport. Come on board for what will be a unique learning experience.

For more information and to apply, visit
A convent in the Italian countryside

News details

Dates 16–23 July 2016
Fee Eur 150.00
Location Belmonte Calabro, Italy