Professor Nicholas Temple will present his research at the next Art, Architecture and Design (AAD) Sessions event on 28 September.
Date: 20 September 2022
London Met's Professor Nicholas Temple will examine changing perceptions of nature during the Age of Discovery in the 17th and 18th centuries, when vast swathes of the 'natural world' were colonised and exploited by European powers.
The virtual event, taking place on 28 September from 5.30 - 7pm, will be hosted by the Centre for Urban and Built Ecologies (CUBE) at London Met and chaired by Professor Matthew Barac.
Professor Temple's presentation will consider how Euro-centric perspectives of nature, which developed through a combination of religious devotion, humanistic enquiry and scientific advancement, were simultaneously enhanced and challenged by exposure to different cultures around the world.
He will refer specifically to missionary activities in China and to the appropriation of land of indigenous cultures in Australia, will consider the impact of this emerging 'globalising' perspective on human experiences of landscape and built form.
Professor Temple is a qualified architect and Senior Professor of Architectural History at the School of Art, Architecture and Design and Director of CUBE.
He was previously Professor of Architecture at the University of Huddersfield. A graduate of the University of Cambridge, he previously served as head of the School of Architecture at the University of Lincoln and was an assistant professor of architecture at the University of Pennsylvania.
He was a Rome Scholar in Architecture, a Paul Mellon Rome Fellow, Bogliasco Architecture Fellow and has collaborated on research projects on the history and theory of architecture and urbanism in Europe and China. His most recent research is a British Academy funded project on Lorenzo Ghiberti's 3rd Commentary.
Professor Barac is Professor of Architecture and Urban Culture at London Met and a UK-registered architect. He leads Postgraduate Research at the School of Art, Architecture and Design, and is a member of CUBE, the Centre for Urban and Built Ecologies.