Thinking BIG

Bara Safarova and Tatum Lau's 'Colonias Unidas 2.0' was selected from over 185 submissions as a finalist in this year's Big Ideas Contest by UC Berkeley.

Date: 12 January 2014

Bara Safarova and Tatum Lau's 'Colonias Unidas 2.0' was selected from over 185 submissions as a finalist in this year's Big Ideas Contest by UC Berkeley. 

Two former Free Unit graduates of The Cass continue to further the ideas developed during their studies under Professor Robert Mull, Peter Carl and Catrina Beevor. Bara is now doing a PhD at Texas A&M University on unincorporated settlements Colonias and Tatum is now working on a tech-startup to help London eliminate its waste. Unsurprisingly, this collaboration became a marriage of technology and financial literacy training for colonias residents in Las Lomas colonias in South Texas.

The proposal competed with teams from sixteen U.S. and African universities including UCLA, MIT and Duke University. The team will now work with a mentor during the spring semester to finalise the proposal and pitch in the final round in May 2014. If successful, the team will spend next academic year running workshops along the border between Texas and Mexico.

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