WCCA Travel Award 2015 Winners

Leon Donald, fifth year Cass Architecture student wins 2015 WCCA Travel Award.

Fifth year Cass Architecture student Leon Donald has has been named the joint winner, with Ashleigh James of the RCA, of the 2015 Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects Travel Award.

The winners will make presentations of their travels from the summer of 2015, with Leon describing his journey, “Walk, Eat, Sleep, Repeat”, where he studied the architecture of the Albergues along the Camino de Santiago. Ashleigh will describe her travels in Rwanda, with her presentation “The Architecture of Healing”, a study of current healthcare design and her volunteering with MASS Design Group in Kigali. 

The winners will present their travels and research on Monday, 21 March 2016, 6-8pm, at our Wright & Wright designed Wash Houses (formerly The Women’s Library) in Aldgate. Access to the Wash Houses is via our Goulston Street law building at 16 Goulston Street, London E1 7TP.

Attendees to the presentation will also find out about the 2016 Travel Award. Attendance is free but booking is essential, contact wccatravelaward@gmail.com to reserve a place or to enquire about the 2016 Award.

The Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects’ Travel Award has been offered annually since 2008, with the support of the Royal Institute of British Architects. The WCCA Stuart Murphy Travel Award is made in memory of Stuart Murphy, the Chief Planning Officer of the City of London and past Master of the WCCA. This annual award provides a travel grant of up to £2,000 to a student or a group of students enrolled in the first year of a RIBA validated Part 2 course at a School of Architecture in the Greater London area.

The objective of the Award is to allow a student or a group of students to conduct research on the topic and in the location of their choice. It is hoped that the research will enrich the award holder’s studies in the field of architecture contributing to the development of their course work as well as to the advancement of architectural knowledge.

Image of people in a village

News details

Date Monday, 21 March 2016, 6-8pm
Location The Wash Houses
Contact wccatravelaward@gmail.com