Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) scheme will provide personalised support for students.
Date: 30 September 2022
New for the 2022/23 academic year, London Met's Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) scheme has been designed to provide a first point of contact to support our students with their personal, academic and professional development needs during their journey with the University.
The scheme is being phased in by the University’s five schools and will eventually be available to all undergraduate students. Eligible students were introduced to their PAT during welcome week inductions and will continue to meet them in groups and for individual tutorials at key points in the academic year.
Personalised support
The PAT scheme will help students to settle into university life, provide study support and help to ensure a sense of belonging and community in the subject and School in which they are based. PATs provide personalised support in a variety of ways, responding to students and their priorities. This might include guidance on a particular assignment, explaining how assessment and grading works, or even coaching students towards a specific goal.
The PATs will also signpost students as required to the University’s specialist services such as Disabilities and Dyslexia Services, Counselling, and Student Money and Accommodation. Your School Office is where you can access a variety of services, advice and guidance during your time as a student with us and more information can be found on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Shara Lochun, Interim Principal Lecturer at the School of Social Sciences and Professions said, “I am very proud to be championing our Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) provision. The coaching approach puts the student voice at the heart of the PAT process. It supports students in creating their own desired outcomes, in making the decisions that fit congruently with who they are and with what is going on in their lives.
“With a coaching approach, students are supported to design the right pathways for them, to design their own criteria for success and to assess their own progress and outcomes. PATs using the coaching approach will encourage and enable each student to develop their self-efficacy, to recognise their skills, strengths and capabilities, and to use these in both their student life, and in their onward life journey.”
Marva De La Coudray, Director of Teaching and Learning added, "London Met has a strong focus on ensuring our students succeed in realising their ambitions. We recognise that the relationship our academics have with their students is a key element of providing the best possible experience, and are therefore delighted to be sharing further information about the revised Personal Academic Tutor Scheme.
“PATs will support students in building a sense of belonging with the institution, subject area and course, as well as delivering academic advice using innovative coaching techniques. Our aim is for students to feel connected and cared for through our new approach."
Further information about the PAT scheme is available to London Metropolitan University students on the StudentZone.